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Midoriya: Y-Yaku?

Kurumi: Big brother?

Mina: What-How-Why-How.

Momo: I think what you are trying to say is why or most importantly how is here.

Hana: My baby, I can't believe it.

Ace: S-Son.

Akira: Brother?

Akari: Yaku?

Present Mic: Are my eyes deceiving me or something? That's Yaku L/n, correct?

Yaku: In the flesh. Although, I am not an L/n anymore. So it's just Yaku now.

Akira: H-How? I mean the news said...

Yaku: That I died, yeah I know. Manipulating the media is so easy nowadays.

Akari: What are you saying? Weren't you killed?

Yaku: Pft-Hahahaha, it's unbelievable how gullible you guys and this world is.

Ace: Gullible? Yaku what are you saying?

Yaku: Geez. I'm saying that I never died. The bus, the news report, it was all me. I did this.

This shocked everyone even more as Hana and Kurumi started shouting in order for him to hear their voice.

Hana: Yaku what is wrong with you? What happened to my sweet son?

Kurumi: Yeah what happened to the brother I loved?

Yaku: The one you are referring to is long gone! You were the ones that threw me away! You were the only ones that I thought would trust my words! But it was all just a lie! You didn't even let me explain myself! You heard what you wanted and nothing else!

Hana: Yaku.

Ace: My son.

Kurumi: Big brother.

Akira: Yaku.

The L/n said, their voices laced with guilt and sadness.

Yaku: Every memory I had with you was just a lie! My friends were a lie to! No one wanted to believe me! I tried to tell you the truth but none of trusted me! This world abandoned me! This world is a lie as well! Heroes, villains, vigilantes, everything! Everything I once knew was a lie!

Ace: That's not-

Yaku: Stop! Don't you dare tell me that that wasn't what happened! You knew! You and Akira knew me better than anyone! And yet I was still found guilty for something I never did! I won't ever forgive you! I will ki-

Midoriya: Stop! Stop it, Yaku!

Midoriya was seen standing up, and since he didn't move his feet from their original spot, the bomb didn't go off.

Midoriya: Don't say that no one believed you! There was someone who believed your words! I did! I believed you but I couldn't say anything because I was forced to stay quiet!

Yaku: Midoriya.

Midoriya: So don't say everything was a lie! My friendship with you wasn't a lie! My trust in your words wasn't a lie either! Although, I admit that if I had said anything then maybe things wouldn't have turned out like the way they did!

Yaku: Midoriya.

Midoriya: Please, I know now it's too late but please can you trust me just this one time?

Yaku: Midoriya I-

Midoriya: Hm?

Yaku: I won't fall for such stupid lies again!

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