Chapter 1.1

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Pov Kat

Walking into Camelot Is something I thought I Would never do.  my brother Merlin and I walk over to the market and that's when I see a group of people. 2 guards bring a young man who doesn't look much older than me. They bring him to a platform in the middle of the castle yard.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all." Uther begins as he stands on the balcony next to some more guards. 

"This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic, and pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death."

I look at Merlin and then at the young man and back at Uther. who seems to have some more to say about this. 

"I pride myself as a fair and just king. but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass." He knots and the guards sit the man on his knees. I look back at the castle and see a beautiful young women standing by a window, looking down at the scene happening in front of me. I tap Merlin on the Leg and look at him. He doesn't react he just stands there looking at the young man that is about to get executed. Uther raises his hand and the young women looks away. That's when the ax hits the poor boy. Merlin looks at the whole thing while everyone else looks away, I just look at him.

"When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos. but with the people's, help Magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival, to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured. And Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin." Uther looks so proud of himself not realizing there are at least two sorceress standing in front of him. 

A painfull and grating scream fills the castle yard. Everyone looks for the source of the scream. An old women(Marry) steps closer to the just beheaded boy.  Uther looks back down and looks at the women.

"There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic. It is YOU!" the women takes another step, Uther looks at the women and takes a step closer to the edge. "I hope you fall." I say softly, Merlin let's out a small laugh as he looks at me quickly before turning back to the women.

"With you hatred and your ignorance." Merlin looks shocked at whet the women just said.

"You took my son! And I promise you, before these celebrities are over, you will share my tears. AN EYE FOR AN EYE? A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH. A SON FOR A SON" It looks like the women is crying now.

"seize her!" Uther yells. But the woman says some words in a language I don't completely understand. That is when the women disappeared in a storm of lightning and clouds. Everyone starts to leave the castle yard. Merlin looks a bit puzzled at what just happened. I take Merlin's hand and walks away, looking for the courts' physician. Merlin asks here we can find Gaius, one of the guards points up the stairs

Merlin and I walk up some stairs until we reach a wooden door with 'court physician' on it. Merlin opens the door and looks inside. he doesn't walk in so I give him a little push. 

"Hello?" Merlin says as he slowly walks in. I push him again.

"What are you scared, your gonna damage the floor?" I ask annoyed, Merlin finally walks in and looks around the room that is filled with bottles and ingredients and all sorts of things. 

"Hello?" Merlin says again.  We both look around the room and I take a few steps while I look around.

"Gaius?" I say as I see an old man on top of an old balcony that doesn't look that stable. The man turns around and falls backwards. Merlin quickly looks around the room and uses magic to move the bed so Gaius would fall on top of it.  Gaius stands up from the bed as quickly as he possibly can.

"What the? What did you just do?" he says, Merlin and I both look at each other.

"Tell me!" Gaius says.

"Well.. Er... I have no idea what happened." Merlin says as he nervously looks around the room. 

"O my god." I say very softly as I give Merlin a 'Friendly slap'.

"If anyone had seen that..." 

"NO NO that had nothing to do with us." Merlin sounds even more nervous.

"No, I know what it was. I just want to know where you learnt it." 

"Nowhere." I say 

"So how is it you know magic?"

"We don't!" 

"Where did you study?"

"uhmmm..." Merlin and I both look at the ground.


"We've never studied or been taught." Merlin looks at Gaius and then back at me.

"Are you lying to me?" Gaius says now in a much calmer tone.

"What do you want us to say?" I ask as I look him straight in the eye. Which is probably the straightest thing I've done so far.

"The truth." Gaius says directly

"We were born like this." Merlin says a little too proudly, So I slap him again.

"Who are you?" He asks

"Uhh... I have this letter." Merlin reaches into his bag and tries to find that stupid letter.

"I don't have my glasses." 

"I'm Katerina and this is my brother Merlin." I say calmly and grab the letter from my own bag.

"Hunith's children?" Gaius says completely shocked.

"Yes." Merlin says 

"But you two are not to be here until Wednesday?" Gaius says as he throws is hands practical in our faces.

"It...Uhm.... It is Wednesday." I say looking at Merlin in confusion.

"Well put you bags in there." Gaius points at the door upstairs. Merlin and I walk towards the door. But I stop and turn around.

"You won't say anything about..." I point to the whole bed situation

"ow no. All though I should say thank you." Gaius gives me heart warming smile and I turn back to Merlin. The room is pretty small but bigger then the one Merlin and I used to share back home. There are two identical beds, A bookcase and a nightstand. The bed face the door and in between the beds stands the old nightstand. the bookcase is on the left of the room and a small closet next to the door on the other side of the room. There is also one window on the left side of the room. Merlin puts his ag down on the bed to the right, so I take the one to the left.

"I'll take this one then you can put all your books in there." Merlin points at the bookcase that is still empty.

"Yha I was gonna use it either way."

1143 words

A/N: this is the first time I have written like this so if you have any tips please let me know. Also, let me know it there are specific things you want to see or episodes you want me to cover. since I have chosen not to cover every episode. 


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