Chapter 2.3

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Pov Kat

Walking around the forest looking for the rarest plan you can get, is a very time-consuming prosses. I try my best to be as quick as possible. But I made the 'Merlin 101' mistake and I brought Merlin with me, hoping we would find it faster.

"And what are we looking for again?" Merlin's voice fills my ears.

"Anise hyssop!" I say back

"Okay...." Merlin looks a bit confused and lost. I look at the ground and then back at my brother.

"It's a small purple flower, it sort of looks like lavender but a bit smaller." Merlin nods and continues to look for the herb.

"And you are sure it grows here?" Merlin turns to me. I look up, Merlin is standing a little over a foot away from me. I give him 'the look'

"Okay, flower." Merlin says and turns back to the ground.

"HERB!" I correct him. I grin when Merlin's sigh joins the conversation. "If you are going to make fun of the healing art at least do it correctly." I look around a bit more when I no longer hear Merlin mumble I look up. I'm greeted by Merlin looking rather pleased with himself, as he practically shoves the Anise hyssop in my face.

"Found it." His smile is soft but still as bright as always. I take the Anise hyssop from his hand and put it in a small glass container that Gauis gave me just before I left. "Can we now go, because I know Arthur will not be pleased if I am any more late than I already am. Of course, he doesn't have a problem when you are late because 'you can't rush beauty' as Arthur always says. It's gotten quite annoying if I'm honest-" Merlin keeps on rambling about Arthur while I stay stuck on what Arthur said. what does he mean by 'You can't rush beauty'? did he actually say that or did Merlin just make that up?

My head still stuck on that sentence I walk to the physician's chambers, Gauis awaits me and the Anise hyssop. I look over at the bed where Sir Ewan lies unconscious.

"You found it?" Gaius asks me looking up and is greeted with a nod from me and a very proud Merlin. "Kat, can you prepare it?" His voice is hopeful, I don't want to disappoint anyone, I take a deep breath in and walk to the table with the medical book on it.

"Gaius it looks complicated are you sure?" I don't want to mess this up and I am not sure if I know enough of the healing arts to do this. Gaius just smiles at me, I take a deep breath again tune out Merlin's ramble, and push my thoughts away from Arthur.

I start by carefully removing the leaves from the Anise hyssop and putting them in boiling water. I add some sunflower seeds and oil. It smells amazing and has a deep purple color as I mix everything in. I look at the old and damaged book to see what else I have to do. Nothing... absolutely nothing. All that is left is to see if it works.

Merlin hands me a spoon I take it, put some of the medicine I just made on it, and walk over to Gaius. Sir Ewan is sweating, Gauis gave the medication I made to him.

"Now we wait" The sentence hangs in my head. 'What if I killed him? What if I didn't do it correctly? What if I forgot something? What if...'

"Katerina." The voice of my brother snaps me out of my thoughts it's been a while since I last heard him say my full name. I look at him his eyes point to Sir Ewan who stirs a bit.

I am filled with relief as I meet Sir Ewan's bright green eyes. Before I know it he sits up and looks at Gaius.

"It was Kat who prepared it." Gaius said with a rather proud tone. Sir Ewan looks at me. 'God, when did he get so hot?' My thoughts start to float again.

"Thank you, Lady Kat" The honor in his voice is rather elegant like a flower with thorns much like the rose that Merlin always gives me. My head is stuck on the way he said my name and put Lady in front of it.

"I am no Lady..." I want to look away but I don't want to be rude so I just look at him.

"You are today. Thank you for saving me, and thank you Gaius like always" Gaius nods he has been thanked many times before while I haven't this is something new and I like the feeling it gives me. It's like a warm hug or sitting next to a fire.

Arthur Pov:

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Arthur Pov:

I can't push the thought of Kat and Merlin out of my head something about them is special not that I would ever admit that out loud to either of them. I still wonder what it is. My thoughts get interrupted as Morgana knocks on my chamber door and enters.

"I hope I am not interrupting." Her voice is soft as she closes the door and walks to me, I shake my head. "I have a question. Or more a favor to ask you." I am surprised she doesn't usually ask me for much.

"What is it?" I kept my voice soft as I was worried about why Morgana needed a favor.

"Well, you know Katerina right? Your new servant?" Morgana stood near the door as she spoke, her tone was soft and gentle like usual. I wondered what her interest in Kat was. So I nod. "I would like for her to be my servant just for a day."

"Why?" I speak so quickly it's almost suspicious but Morgana doesn't seem to pick up on it. I wiggle a little in my seat trying to get comfortable again.

"Well, Gwen is out for the day at least tomorrow something with her father so I thought since you have two servants I might be able to have Katerina tomorrow. I met her at the stables the other day she seems nice." Morgana doesn't fully know how to word what she was trying to say but I get what she means.

"Sure I guess you could. But I do want her back" I laugh a little trying to lighten the heavy mood a bit but it doesn't seem to work too well. Morgana thanks me before she walks out to find Kat to tell her. One thing that stood out to me is that Morgana called Kat by her full name 'Katerina' I wonder a bit about it. My thoughts get interrupted once more as Merlin stumbles into my chambers with some clothes. 'Lord save me' I think to myself as Merlin stands up.

"You's clothes sire." Merlin seems awfully proud of himself I snatch the clothes and smell them.
"Who washed this?"

"I did"

"That explains a lot." I turn away from Merlin as I smell the clothes again they don't smell like normal they have a more flowery sent to them. They smelled a lot like the way a girl's clothes would smell.

"I did use Kat's soapy stuff, which she always uses. She said it is the only thing that can get your sweaty small out of the clothes" Merlin laughed a little as I rolled my eyes. I throw the clothes on the floor and sit back down. "She also left earlier today to help Gaius with something."

"Lord help me, When will she be back?" I wasn't sure why I asked Merlin that when I knew she wouldn't be back until later. Merlin pulled his shoulders up and I cursed myself for even allowing Morgana to have Kat tomorrow. 

1316 words

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