Hurt Me* (Teach Me pt. 3)

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"So...should we start with pegging?"

You blink at him from the hallway. "I...I just walked through the door."

He laughs, leaning back on his mattress, hands first. "Sorry. Thought we'd just jump right into it."

"I can see that," you snort as you walk further into his bedroom. "Did you get the stuff?"

His head jerks toward his nightstand where you find the aforementioned items you'd requested he gather.

And seeing the giant bottle of lube beside his bed is somehow both exhilarating...and startling.

You haven't changed your mind about the agreement. You'd thought maybe you might, after the heated moment at the restaurant had passed.

But now, here you are, two days later. Still just as eager as you'd been the other night.

And you're pleased to see that Harry apparently is, too.

He waits patiently for you to slip off your shoes and make your way for him, his eyes following each move you make.

You aren't sure why you feel so...nervous. None of this is really all that new to you, but Harry has always had this talent for putting you on edge.

Even when he doesn't mean to.

Like now.

"Okay," you declare once you've reached him, and his eyebrow raises. "I have a list."

The side of his mouth curls up. "A list?"

"A list," you repeat with a determined nod. "A checklist. Of things we might wanna try."

He chuckles as you reach into your back pocket to retrieve your small notepad. "Of course you have a fucking list."

"Shush." You flip it open and clear your throat. "All right. There's edging, overstimulation, bondage, spanking, breath play, thigh riding, blood kinks—oh, and knife kinks. Also pegging, of course, and—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," he interjects, smirking as he sits up. "I'm you mean to tell me that you, the girl who cried when she got a papercut...have a knife kink?"

You give him a cool stare. "Yes. Yes, I do."

His tongue swipes across his lip as he studies you. "Interesting."


He shrugs, glancing around the bedroom to hide his amusement. "Nothing. Just...learning some things about you."

Your eyes narrow. "Well, this isn't about me, is it? This is about you and what you might like."

He looks back, fingers tapping against the mattress in thought. "Well...I guess there's only one way to find out, now, isn't there?"

With a coy smile, you nod again. "I guess so."

For a moment, you simply stare at each other. Him sitting below you on the bed and you standing in front of his legs, waiting.

You imagine it's up to you to get the ball rolling, but despite your eager anticipation, you can't help wondering what happens if this ruins your friendship with him.

That's that last thing you could ever want. And sure, he seems morethan willing to take this step with you.

But what if he regrets it?

What if he regrets you?

"Bee," he murmurs, and you refocus your attention in time to see his large hands coming out to latch onto your hips and guide you between his parting thighs. "Don't do that."

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