Reckless* (Boxer!Harry pt. 3)

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Summary: The third part to Knockout*

The one where Harry secretly gets paid to fight, but you're the one paying the price.

Word Count: 9.2k ( comment)

Content Warning: 18+, violence, mentions of an abusive ex, mentions of blood, smut


Harry's fist instantly snaps closed around your hand, subtly but pointedly tugging you back. Seeming to want to put a bit of space between you and the man standing before you.

"Oh, do you...know each other?" you ask slowly, glancing between the two rather curiously.

Jesse offers nothing more than a raise of his eyebrow, redirecting his attention back to Harry as though encouraging him to respond.

Harry merely grits his teeth. "We used to. Long time ago."

It's hardly an answer, somehow just as frustratingly vague as you expected, yet you nod, nevertheless. "Ah. I see."

Jesse's smile somehow stretches a bit bigger. "Are you working today?"

"Uh, no. Just...came by for the keys," you answer, shifting your weight from one foot to the other almost nervously. "Why?"

He shrugs. "Thought I'd...maybe stick around a bit? Catch up?"

Harry's grip gets stronger.

"Besides, today's pie is apple, yeah?" he asks. "You know it's my favorite."

You force a tight-lipped grin and a hum of acknowledgement before the three of you fall silent. Continuing to stand by the door to the diner as the rest of the room continues on with their lunch. Their soft murmurs and clinging cutlery like white noise in the background of the conversation.

You clear your throat. "Okay, well...I'm gonna...I'm gonna tell him goodbye, and—"

"Oh, sure, no problem," Jesse says, waving you away before returning to the counter. "Yeah, go ahead. I'll be right here."

The last word has hardly left his mouth when Harry suddenly spins on his heel and drags you back through the door. Pulling you into the parking lot without so much as a goodbye before leading you around the side of the building.

"Harry," you murmur hesitantly, almost cautious of his rather silent reaction. In the little time you've known him, you've never known him to be this quiet when he's upset. Or this well behaved. "What's wrong, what is it?"

He continues his furious stride until he's brought you both into the alley. Releasing you in order to run a hand through his hair with a strained, "Fuck."

You slow to a stop and stare at his tensed back. "Harry?"

A long pause. Deafening and loud enough to lodge your heart in your throat.

Finally, "How do you know him?"


"Fucking Jesse, how do you know him?" he repeats, somewhat viciously.

Your head tilts. "We...I mean we're friends, but we...we used to date. For a while. Couple years ago. Why?"

He turns, and the pinching of his features together makes your stomach twist. "Was it him?"


"Was it...him?" His eyes flick to yours. "The one you fucking told me about. The one who treated you like shit, the one who fucking threw things at you. Was it him?"

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