Off the Shelf* (Nerd!Harry pt. 2)

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Summary: The second part to 404*

The one where you hate working with Harry and can't ever seem to agree.

Except on one thing. 

(Edit is not mine!! All credit to the incredible creator!!)


"And what seems to be the problem?"

Instantly, you and Harry are at each other's throats.

"I told him two fucking times to check his email for confirmation—"

"She wouldn't shut up about the goddamn code—"

"—like that's somehow my fault when he's never on time—"

"—already in the middle of fucking rewriting the last sequence—"

"—which is ridiculous because I already told him—"

"—can't do fucking anything when she's yapping in my ear all goddamn day—"

"Okay, okay, all right," Mr. Prescott sighs, raising his palms in surrender. "Let's just take a breath—"

"She's fucking up our project," Harry interjects before leaning back. "Sir."

Mr. Prescott rests his arms on his desk and glances between you. "From what I remember, the two of you agreed to work on finalizing the AI program. Comb through the bugs and whatnot."

"Yeah, well, that was before he decided it was a waste of his time," you retort, ignoring Harry's obvious glare.

"That's not what I said," he huffs. "I said that we need to be working on expanding the GUI—"

"Except that wasn't a part of our job, so—"

"Oh, and what? I can't try to make the program better?"

"Maybe if you knew how—"

"I got hired for the same fucking job you did—"

"A job you don't even want to do—"

"That doesn't mean I can't do it—"

"Oh, bite me, Harold—"

"All right, all right," Mr. Prescott interjects, running a hand down his cheek. "Listen, the two of you are more than qualified for the position and perfectly capable of executing the sequence you were designing. I understand it can be hard to collaborate, but this is what you agreed on—"

"I don't mind collaborating as long as he does what I need him to do," you correct while Harry scoffs and uses his knuckle to shove his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "He just doesn't like to listen."

"If what you were saying was worth listening to, maybe I would," he agrees. "But until then, I'd like to handle my shit and you can handle yours."

Stuck without much dispute, you bring your attention back to Mr. Prescott, eager for his response.

The poor, older gentleman crosses his arms and studies you both, seemingly unconvinced but perhaps too exhausted to fight it. "That's fine by me. As long as you're reporting your progress to your supervisors – and to each other – I don't see why you can't work on different aspects of the sequence."

"Thank you, sir," you exhale, glancing toward your partner who's already turning around on his heel. "Uh, we really appreciate it. And we won't cause any more trouble. We swear."

"She swears," Harry calls, already halfway out the door. "I don't swear anything."

Biting back a snort, you scurry after him and toss Mr. Prescott one final, "Thank you again!" before the door falls shut.

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