Mine* (Mafia Boss Harry)

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"So, what did he say?"

"What do you think he said? Gave me some bullshit excuse about not knowing the rule and tried to save his own ass."

Harry tsks as he throws an arm over the back of the sofa. "Fucking pathetic. They're all the same."

"All of 'em," Asher agrees with a nod. "But I had a couple of the guys tail him, and he led us straight back to the warehouse."

"Good. Think it's time we pay him a little visit," Harry decides before his eyes trail over to where you still stand in the kitchen.

You usually try to keep your distance when Harry's in one of his meetings. And perhaps this isn't exactly an official meeting per say, seeing as it's taking place in your living room. But nevertheless, you're hesitant to interfere.

Besides, you're more than content to just watch when he's in his element like this. Like to watch the way his expression will grow dark, and his voice will take on a certain edge. The way he'll speak about death as if recalling the weather. The way he'll drop threats as if they were weightless.

He can be quite intimidating when he wants to be. Most of the men that work for him won't even make eye-contact with him. And you're almost certain a few of them have even pissed themselves on occasion.

Asher is about the only one who doesn't flinch when Harry enters a room. Perhaps that's the result of their lifelong friendship, or perhaps it's because he knows he's Harry's right-hand man.

Either way, Asher is the only man on the team that Harry truly trusts. Which is probably why he was invited to your home this evening.

Of course, Harry claimed he merely wanted to relax and catch-up. But you knew better.

The only way to get Harry Styles to actually unwind and relax is by fucking him.

You fidget by the fridge as you're forced under his cool stare, a tad apprehensive about why you've garnered his attention. You hope you haven't disturbed their conversation, although you do wish he'd wrap it up.

He's hardly been home the past couple of weeks. You understand why, of course. A threat was made to the company that Harry needed to eliminate. And you'd never stand in the way of his work.

But...you miss him. Miss getting to be near him. And maybe you wouldn't as much if he actually allowed you to visit him at his office. But he declared it was too unsafe. He doesn't like when other men look at you. Doesn't appreciate when the people that he pays get the nerve to gawk at what's his.

Although, truthfully, you think it's rather cute how overprotective he gets.

Harry smirks as he motions you forward, seemingly amused. "Come here, sugar. You're too far."

Relieved to know he's not upset, you let out a deep breath and obey his command, feet padding across the hardwood floor to bring you closer to where they reside.

You smile a shy greeting at Asher, who offers an entertained grin of his own before Harry is looping his outstretched arm around your waist and placing you on his lap.

"There," he declares as his chin slips over your shoulder. "S'much better, isn't it?"

You nod, face flushing and hands gathering in front of you.

You're not sure why you've gone so quiet. So still. Something feels...off. Incomplete, in a sense.

Sure, the warmth of his body is doing wonders for this...lost feeling in your head, but it still doesn't feel like it's...enough.

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