I Love You* (CEO!Harry Extra)

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Summary: The second part to Yellow

The one where you tell Mr. Styles you love him and you wonder if he'll say it back.

Word Count: 3k

Content Warning: 18+, smut, blow job, multiple orgasms, brief Daddy kink, Sir kink


I love you.

Three little words that feel so big in such a small room.

Mr. Styles remains still. Unmoving. So quiet, you wonder if you actually said the words aloud or if you only thought them.

But you can feel his heart racing. Can hear the subtle hitch in his breath as the seconds tick by. And you know, undoubtedly, that he heard you.

You clear your throat. "You don't...you don't have to say it back. I just wanted you to know."

There's another long lull between your admission and his response. He shifts in your arms before finally he finally nods once.

And that suffices as his reply.

Truth be told, you feel relieved. You aren't even sure why you said it at all, much less now. And after such an intimate scene. Especially when you knew he most likely wouldn't say it back.

But you don't blame him for that. Mr. Styles has never been the overly romantic, affectionate type. You don't expect that to change just for you. You're happy with the relationship you have. You like that you stay at his apartment more than your own. You like that he dedicates his free time to you. And you like that you work together and play together.

He's more than just your partner and your boss. He's...yours.

"Sir?" you whisper, and you feel his hand tighten around yours. "Are you all right?"

He nods again. Quickly. Strained. "I'm fine, Peach. Are you?"

You nod, too. "Mhm. I'm better now. Promise." A beat. "Could we start the scene again?"

He lets out a sigh and finally looks up to catch your eye. "Maybe later. We'll see."

You pout and feel that anxious twist in your stomach return. You don't want to end this moment on a sour note. The note where you had to safe word and make him stop only to tell him you love him and surely freak him out. You want to go back. Start it all over again. Do it right.

He notices your frown and tilts his head. "Peach," he warns. "Don't."


"I said we'll see," he repeats sternly. "If you're good, I'll consider it. But if you want to argue with me, you can sit here, achy and dripping, with nobody to touch you."

You bite back a whine. "Yes, Sir."

"Good girl." He pats your hip. "I've got a few more emails to answer before dinner. If I go, will you be all right until I'm done?"

"Yes, Sir."

He takes hold of your chin. Firm. "I want your honesty."

"You have it."

He hesitates. There's a tension here, between you. An unspoken strain and an edge you'd give anything to smooth out.

You can tell he wants to resolve it. He's a problem solver. It's in his nature to fix things. And that's how this whole arrangement was started in the first place.

But how can he fix what he knows he broke?

He kisses your cheek. Quickly. Gently. "Be good while I'm gone."

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