Theirs* (Mafia Boss Harry pt. 4)

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"Don't look at me like that."

Swallowing a huff, you straighten up from where you're knelt on the bed. Your innocent doe-like eyes silently pleading with Harry to simply give in.

However, he merely crosses his arms and leans his tall body against the doorframe to the bedroom. "I know you're getting ready to say something bratty, and I'm gonna tell you right now...don't."

You frown. "Har—"

"No." His tone is cool but firm. His expression is unreadable. And despite the way you've attempted to present yourself to him, he remains unfazed.

He doesn't allow himself to drink in your submissive stance. Or the revealing lingerie you've worn just to tease him. Or even the way you've kept your head bowed since the moment he walked in, just to tip the scales in your favor.

In fact, when he first came home and found you here, he'd simply cleared his throat and announced he was back.

And that he was ready for that talk.

You try again. "Har, I just—"

"What did I just say?" he reminds you, brow cocking upward. Your third warning. "I want you silent. You are not to speak until I allow you to do so. Is that understood?"

You push your lips into a wounded pout and nod once.

Pleased with your reaction, he rewards you with the softest of smiles. "S'a good girl. It's my turn to talk right now. And your turn to listen. And I want you to listen very closely. Okay?"

Another nod.

He straightens up and takes a beat. He allows you to wonder. Allows you to anticipate what he might say.

Anticipate how much trouble you're in.

"Do you understand why I ask you to do certain things?" he begins. "Do you understand...why I expect your obedience?"

You blink up at him, forcing a captivated expression so he knows you're listening.

"Because there are only a few things in the world I cannot control," he continues. "But you...I will always control you."

Your cheeks flush.

"I control your body," he murmurs, pushing off the wall to step closer. "I control your pleasure...and I control your safety. I will always...control your safety."

He reaches the edge of the mattress and takes your chin between his fingers. With a firm squeeze, he looks down, and your heart races inside your chest at his touch.

You haven't felt it in days.

And it sets your entire body alight.

"I will always protect you, sweet girl," he says, and despite the dominant edge, his vulnerability manages to slip through. "I will always take care of you. You...are my number one priority. Whether I'm here or there. And I need you to know that."

His thumb brushes down your bottom lip, and he plays with it as he gazes at you. In a way so loving, and so feel yourself clench.

"I expect your obedience because it's the only way I can know I'm keeping you safe," he whispers. "That I'm keeping you cared for. That you're okay even if I'm not here. So when you go against my direct scares me. And do you want to scare me, mama?"

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