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Djenaba was lying in bed with a black eye and some bruises on her face. Her mother, Lourdes, was sitting next to her with tenderness on her face.

"I'm so sorry, daughter. I don't know how this happened," Lourdes said softly.

Djenaba was crying and replied, "It doesn't matter, Mom. I just want this to end."

After a few moments, Mamadu, her older brother, entered the room and sat down next to Djenaba. He asked her what had happened and why their father had reacted that way. Djenaba told him the truth about her relationship with Fatu and how they felt about each other.

Mamadu nodded and said, "I already knew. I knew there was something strange between you two."

Djenaba sighed with relief and asked, "What do you think?"

Mamadu replied frankly, "I don't care. Why should I care that you're with a girl? It's your life. I thought Dad hit you for something else. I want you to know that I don't care about your sexual orientation, whoever you're with. I want you to know that I will always love you because we are siblings, and siblings love each other."

Mamadu's words surprised Djenaba. She had never talked to him about her sexual orientation before, but she never felt the need to do so. In her home, she didn't feel the pressure to fit in with everyone else, but with her father, who no longer lived with them due to his separation from her mother, it was different. He was much more conservative, and she knew he would never accept her for who she is. But now, her older brother hugged her tightly and made her feel that she was important to him, regardless of who her partner was.

Lourdes also joined the family hug, and tears of happiness and relief flowed down Djenaba's cheeks. After a long and painful night, she finally felt supported by her family and ready to move forward.

But Djenaba knew that her father would not easily change his mind, and there would probably be more confrontations in the future. But now, with her family by her side, she felt she could face anything.

As she cuddled in the arms of her loved ones, Djenaba realized that she had never felt as safe and loved as she did at that moment. Despite the pain and uncertainty of the future, she knew she would always have her family to support her. And with that certainty in her heart, she closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by restful sleep.

The next day, Fatu was nervous as she prepared to leave the house. She knew she was going to meet Djenaba and feared the conversation she was about to have. But finally, she gathered her courage and walked out the door.

Djenaba was waiting for Fatu in the duck park. The Bilbao duck park is an oasis of tranquility in the midst of urban bustle. Upon entering, the senses are filled with the sound of water flowing gently through the pond, the aroma of fresh grass, and the intense green of the trees that surround the place.

"Djenny, how are you?" Fatu asked when she arrived at the park.

Djenaba was sitting on a bench with her head down and her hands clasped in her lap. "Hello Fatu," she said in a serious tone.

Fatu approached and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay," Djenaba responded sincerely. "My father has made me feel like a disgrace to my family. He beat me and told me I was his shame."

Fatu took Djenaba's hand and squeezed it tightly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were going through that."

"I didn't feel like talking to anyone. But you're different, Fatu. You make me feel good. And I want to be with you," said Djenaba with tears in her eyes. "You know what? Why don't we make it official? Or does this seem like just a friendship to you?" Djenaba said after a brief pause, afraid of having her heart broken again.

Fatu was surprised for a moment, but then realized that she was also in love with Djenaba and couldn't imagine her life without her. But she knew that being openly lesbian in that African community was dangerous and they could face rejection from their families and friends.

"Are you saying you want us to be girlfriends?" Fatu asked, trying to confirm what she had just heard.

Djenaba nodded her head, with tears in her eyes. "Yes, that's what I want. But I understand if you're not ready yet."

Fatu thought about it for a moment and then responded with determination: "Yes, I want to be your girlfriend."

The two girls hugged and sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company. Finally, they stood up and left together, determined to face whatever comes their way. Together, they would face the world.

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