Piquiniqui (The End)

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It was already the third time that summer that the two girls went together to a party organized by their community. They arrived at to the "Piquiniqui", as it's called in their community.

The party takes place in an outdoor picnic area. The place is filled with energy and excitement, with loud and lively music resonating throughout the area. The bright red light that illuminates the area makes it a cozy and vibrant atmosphere. You can also see two disco lights illuminating the area, creating a festive and fun environment.

In a corner of the place, teenagers dance together, laughing and joking while having fun. Around them, adults also move to the rhythm of the music and enjoy the festive atmosphere. The smoke from the barbecues mixes with the aromas of food, making the atmosphere even more pleasant.

The bright colors of people's clothing and dance movements create an animated and exciting spectacle. The joy is contagious, and everyone seems to be enjoying the party to the fullest. It's a festive and lively atmosphere that makes one feel happy and lively.

Fatu and Djenaba walked hand in hand towards the party. Both felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement. As they walked, they talked to each other.

Fatu: "I'm a little nervous."

Djenaba: "Don't worry, we're together in this. I know it's difficult, but we have to be brave."

Fatu: "Yes, you're right. We can't keep hiding."

As they approached the party, they could hear the music and laughter of the crowd. As they got closer, they stopped for a moment to observe the atmosphere.

Djenaba: "Let's go to the center of the crowd! Let's dance!"

Fatu: "Okay, but..."

Djenaba: "Don't worry, I'm here with you."

When they arrived at the center of the crowd, they could feel the stares of the people around them. But instead of feeling uncomfortable, they felt empowered. The music was contagious and soon they joined in the fun.

Nani, Fatu's aunt, was enjoying the music at the party when she noticed something unusual. As she looked through the crowd, she saw her niece Fatu dancing very close to Djenaba, moving seductively to the rhythm of the music, as if they were a couple.

As the dancehall song continued to play, Nani couldn't help but feel a strange sensation. It seemed like there was something more between the two girls than just friendship. She wondered if it could be possible that Fatu had found love with Djenaba.

Nani watched the two girls more closely as they moved to the beat of the music. There was something in the way they looked at each other and how they touched each other that suggested there could be a deeper connection between them. Slowly, she began to realize that the suspicions she had could be true.

Nani was already uncomfortable seeing how that young woman was holding her niece from behind the waist. She decided to approach the two of them.

Nani: What's going on here?

Fatu: Nothing, we're just dancing.

Nani: But why are you letting this girl touch you like that? As if she were your boyfriend.

Djenaba: Girlfriend, to be more precise.

Nani: What?

Fatu: We're together.

The aunt was shocked, not knowing what to say.

As Fatu's aunt walked away, the young people around them approached the girls, some with looks of surprise, others with supportive smiles.

Junior: (to Djenaba) How are you? I see you came with your friend.

Fatu: Girlfriend.

Junior: Wait, what?

Junior gives Djenaba a knowing look and Djenaba returns the look while Fatu kisses her on the cheek.

The night was young, and they knew they still had many adventures together ahead of them.


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