1 Intruder - YUMI

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TW: Random person at your door and a knife

This is part 1/2 of this story

My eyes were starting to slowly close as I tried my best to edit my new YouTube video in my room. I had just recorded it that day and wanted to get it done because the whole house was quiet for once.

As my eyes watched over the same clip for what felt like the 100th time, I hear my phone go off. I look down and saw it was a notification from our front doorbell camera.

Motion detected

It was late at night, the sun has already set so this was a bit weird. I hadn't ordered anything and I don't think the guys were expecting anything. I open the app to see what the motion was but when I look, there was nothing there. It was probably an animal or something.

"That's weird," I say out loud. I shake my head and set my phone down, putting my attention back on my computer.

A few minutes go by and nothing out of the ordinary happens until my phone goes off again. I check to see what it was.

Motion detected

I crinkle my eyebrows and open the app again, thinking it was just a bird or something that set it off. I let out a gasp when I see what the camera was picking up.

In the darkness was a man dressed in all black, a mask pulled over his mouth and something in his hand I couldn't make out. He was staring at the camera and it almost felt like he could see me through it.

"Oh my god," I say, eyes wide and frozen in my chair. He wasn't moving, he was just standing there.

My first thought was that he was going to try and rob us. The house was quiet and dark so he probably thought no one was home.

I snap out of my trance and run to my light switch, turning it on. I then run around the whole upstairs and turn on all the lights, hoping that would make him go away because it showed that someone was most definitely home.

I race back to my room and look at my phone. I could see faint lights from the house illuminating him slightly but not a lot, meaning he had to know someone was inside now.

He was still standing there though, moving his figure from side to side, like he was waiting for something.

I didn't know for certain if people were home and I was not going to yell out to them in case he could hear me. I slowly crept back out of my room and went downstairs, making the least amount of noise possible. The whole house was eerily quiet and all the lights were off. The guys were not down here. For protection, I run to the kitchen and grab the biggest knife I could find.

The door starts getting knocked on and I flinch. I say knocked on but it was more like banging. I run back to my room and shut my door, locking it behind me.

I text the groupchat just to make sure that no one was here.

Waiting for a response felt like torture and all I could hear was the guy banging on our front door. I clutch the knife tighter to my body.

My phone goes off and I'm sent a picture of them all smiling together.

I was alone.

"Oh god." I fumble for the phone app and dial 911. I knew I had to do something. I could hear more notifications coming in but all I needed to have to happen right now was for the police to get here.

"911, do you need police, an ambulance, or a fire truck?" I female voice is heard through my phone as I hold it up to my ear. My hands were shaking.

"Police." I'm trying to stay calm. "I need police here."

"What is the situation?" She asks.

"There's a man at my front door. He has something in his hand but I don't know what it is." I run a hand through my hair. "I can see him through my doorbell camera and now he's banging on my door."

"I don't know what he wants." I'm at the end of my bed now, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Okay, can you send me the address?" She asks and I shakily tell her.

"Okay, we have 2 police cars on their way and will be there in about 7 minutes." She says. "Do you need me to stay on the phone with me?"

I take a deep breath and I feel a bit better knowing that the police were coming soon. "No, thank you. I'll be okay." She tells me a few more things, and then I hang up.

The house was silent again. I didn't realize that the banging had stopped.

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