Kitten shopping - LARRY

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Larry and I were out just shopping and hanging out when we came across a pet store.

"What are the odds we go and get a pet for the house?" I ask Larry.

"Dude. I want a cat so bad!" Larry perks up in his seat as I'm driving.

"Me too! I just wish we could actually get one though."

"It sucks that we're too busy..."

"We could just go to look at them though."


We pull into the parking lot of the pet store and I park my car, immediately racing out of it to go inside and look at all the cute cats they had to offer.

We walk around, looking at other animals like the fish and hamsters before we come across the wall filled with all different types of cats.

"Awwww. Look at this one!" I point at an orange cat named Libby who was in a deep sleep.

"She's cute. What about this one?" Larry points to a fluffy white cat named Perry who had his face squished against the glass.

"I think that one likes you." I laugh.

"We should get a cat!" He yells.

"We should stop being busy YouTubers then!" I yell back.

"I think we could take care of a cat fine."

"You think everyone in the house would be down to get one?"

"I know Nick wants one and I know Tanner would be fine with one."

"What about Yumi and Isaac?"

"I'd risk it."

"Yeah, me too."

We just stare at each other, really contemplating getting a cat.

All of a sudden, my phone starts to ring.

"Hey, Isaac." I answer.

"Where are you and Larry right now?" He asks.

"Ummmmm..." I look over at Larry and he just gives me a scared look.

"Pet store..."

"You better not be buying a cat."

"Why do you think we would buy a cat!?"

"Cause I know you two!"

"You suck, Isaac!"

"You suck, Y/n!"

"We want a cat!"

"Don't buy a cat!"

"We're gonna buy a cat!"

"Don't buy a-" I hang up the phone and look at Larry.

"So, which one we thinking?" I smile and he smiles back.

"This one!" He aggressively points to the Fluffy white cat named Perry who still had his face smushed against the glass and was blinking at us.


We fill out all the paperwork and end up adopting the 5-year-old cat. We put him in a cage and bought all the things we would need for him before we packed everything up in my car and headed back home, excited to show everyone.

"Isaac's gonna be pissed at first and then he's gonna be like, the dad who hates the idea of having a pet and then ends up loving it and taking care of it more than us." I say and Larry agrees.

"I feel like Tanner and Nick are gonna be mad that they weren't there to help pick him out." Larry looks to the cage where Perry sits and puts his fingers through to pet him.

We finally arrive back home and we start to bring everything in. Isaac was on the couch and bolted up when he saw us.

"Don't tell me you actually..." He stops talking when he sees Perry. "YOU ACTUALLY GOT A CAT?!"

I smile as I bring our new cat over to Isaac. "His name is Perry." I let him out of the cage and he slowly walked out and around the living room.

"Isn't he cute!" Larry comes over and picks Perry up, bringing him close to Isaac's face.

"You guys are idiots." He says as he looks at the cat but I can see in his eyes that he likes Perry already.

"What the fuck is that?" Yumi yells as he comes barreling down the stairs.

"CAT!" Tanner is close behind and pushes Yumi out of the way to pick up the cat and swing him around. I laugh and finally, the last member of the house, comes out of his office and looks at us.

"You guys got a cat without me? I could've made it a vlog you dummies!" Nick throws his arms up in the air.

"It was in the heat of the moment! And isn't he cute? You can't be mad at that face." I argue and Tanner brings the cat over to Nick who tries not to smile.

Later that night, Larry and I were in our room and I was laying in bed, cuddling the cat while Larry did a stream with Tanner and Grunk. Something on Roblox where they were screaming out of fear.

"I died?!" Larry yells and after a couple of minutes, he ends his stream and comes over to me.

"Good stream?" I ask, making room for him to lay down with me.

"I'm tired." He says and puts his head on my lap. I start to braid his hair as he brings Perry closer to him.

After a bit of us just talking, we decided to go to bed.

"I'm glad we got this cat." I say, petting Perry's soft fur.

"Me too. We're officially cat owners." Larry gives me a kiss and we cuddle under the covers, Perry in between us, purring softly.

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