Amusement park shenanigans - ISAACWHY

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"Let's go on the big roller coaster!" I hear Larry yell and run to this long line up for a ride. I sigh and follow after him, dragging Isaac along with me since we were holding hands.

"This lineup is massive." Yumi complains and looks around at everyone here. "It literally says a 45 minute wait!" He points at the sign right beside us.

"I've wanted to go on this one all day and it's been at a 2 hour wait the entire time!" Larry argues.

I just look up at my boyfriend. "We're gonna be here forever."

"Yeah, I wanted to play carnival games and it already looks like the sun is going down." I look to see where the sun was and it indeed did look like it was going to be dark in the next hour or so.

"We'll still have time, don't worry." Tanner chimes in and I give him a hopeful smile.

The next 45 minutes was spent filming and getting footage for the Willy Vlog. I lean my head on Isaac's chest as I watch Larry plot something.

"Welcome to pantsing people in public." Larry says and starts to walk away slowly to a random person who has their back toward us. I just smile at his stupid antics.

He clearly doesn't do it but turns back and laughs along with the rest of us.

"Larry, one day, you should actually pants a random person." Nick says and Larry gets up in the camera lens.

"One day." He says and almost licks the lens which in turns makes Nick jolt the camera away from him and scold him jokingly.

A couple of minutes go by again and I see Larry go back up to Nick's camera.

"Welcome to pantsing, part 2." I watch as he goes over to Tanner who had his back turned to us as he was talking to Grunk and I put my hand over my mouth, knowing he was definitely going to do it now.

"Oh god." I hear Isaac say.

In the span of 2 seconds, Larry pulls down Tanner's shorts and reveals his Spongebob boxers and we burst out laughing. Larry starts to run away, laughing.

"Not the spongy undies!" Nick yells as Tanner quickly pulls his shorts back up and runs after Larry.

Grunk just stands there, his conversation cut short. He then walks over to Nick to whisper something into the camera I couldn't quite hear.

We wait the rest of the time and then, it's finally our turn. I sat in a cart with Isaac, Nick went with Grunk, Larry went with Tanner and Yumi insisted on being alone so people didn't scream right in his ear. (It was Larry who proposed that idea and Yumi got scared it would happen.)

We got buckled in and Isaac held my hand again as the roller coaster started to move. We were in the middle of the coaster which wasn't too bad.

We start to pick up speed and I could see Larry and Grunk in front of us, holding up their hands and we follow suit. I hear our friends laughing and screaming and I smile when we speed downwards.

The ride was insane and when we got off, we saw that they had taken photos of us. I look to see me smiling wide, Isaac with his mask and glasses on with no expression (of course), Yumi screaming his head off, Tanner and Larry pretending to make-out, Grunk pointing at the camera and Nick with his eyes wide and mouth in a straight line.

"Oh my god, look at Yumi!" Larry points at the picture, laughing.

"Oh yeah? Why are you and Tanner making out?" Yumi retaliates.

"Cause we're boyfriends." Tanner puts his arm around Larry and they pretend to kiss again.

"Isaac, you look like a serial killer." Nick says and Isaac just looks at him the same way he looks in the picture.

"Carnival games!" Isaac yells and jumps around.

"Yes. We're going, crazy." Nick says as he films this all happening. We decided to get a big version of the picture to hang up at the house.

Yumi immediately drags us to the basketball carnival game, of course, and starts shooting hoops. He gets them all in and gets a massive stuffed Scooby Doo for the house. He made Larry carry it around. It was as big as him so he put the arms around his shoulders and dragged it. He looked stupid.

"Oh, I wanna do the rifle game!" Nick races over there and Tanner and Isaac quickly follow suit.

I stay back with the rest of the guys and watch as they shoot down cans. Grunk was recording it and I'm not gonna lie, I always liked the look of Isaac holding and shooting a gun so I enjoyed the sight.

Isaac was shooting down every single can whereas Nick and Tanner were whiffing most of their shots.

"Here, you hold this now." Larry hands me the massive Scooby Doo stuffed animal and I do what he did, putting the arms around my shoulders and tying the arms together to carry it, sighing.

"Hey, I shot them all down!" I hear Isaac celebrate and Nick and Tanner both huff in annoyance that they weren't as good.

The vendor guy points to the top of his tent where even more huge stuffed animals hung and I see Isaac point to a round, spherical penguin the size of the gorilla plush we had at home. My eyes widen when I see Isaac walk over to me with it in his hands.

"I got this for you?" He says and starts to hand it to me. I can see Nick recording on his camera again, his lens pointed straight at Isaac and I.

"Awww, thanks. You're cringe." I say and grab it, now carrying two things that were weighing me down and making me sweat. "Am I just the prize carrier?"

"YEP!" Grunk yells and then goes to another carnival game to win another thing. I slightly smile and look up at Isaac.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I quite like being the carrier." I say, which was true. I was too tired to play the games myself but not tired enough to leave just yet. I enjoyed watching our friends get more useless stuffed plushies for around the house. I smile up at Isaac and then catch up to Tanner who was watching Grunk and Larry fail miserably at the water shooting game.

The day ended with me carrying the first two plushies, along with 4 more small ones. All in all, it was an eventful day and it ended with me flopping down onto the bean bag back at home and watching Spongebob Squarepants through my eyelids as I leaned against Isaac.

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