electrician Q//Quackbur

951 27 16

Tw: bad storms, cursing, mast*rbating,

Wil's POV:

I just moved into my small but lovely home. I had finished unpacking when I noticed it started to rain. "That looks pretty bad.. I'll go check the news about it" I said to myself.

I got my blanket and threw it over me and turned my tv on.

"theres a really bad storm right now if you couldn't tell.

Uhm, what's my line?

Oh yeah hold on,

The rain is supposed to turn into Lighting very soon. Watch out and don't go outside"

Oh damn, I wanted to invite my family over. Oh well, maybe another time.

My phone started ringing, it was my dad.


"Hi sweetie, I heard about the storm in your area stay safe! I know you're terrified but you got this! And did you buy the generator like I told you to? Incase your electricity goes out you can put gas in the and charge your phone and stuff with it?!"

"The what? The generator? Oh god, I forgot to buy one.. let's just pray the electricity doesn't go out.."

I heard my dad sigh before he answered.

"I told you about it many times, well now you just have to learn to buy one after the storm. Alright? Talk to you later! And if you don't reply I'll know what happened don't worry!"

"Alright! Bye dad and I'll definitely text you later!"

I hung up and decided to pass time by watching tv.

All was great, I got up to get my snack and the storm looked like it had calmed down. Which was even better since I was terrified of lightning as most people are.

I got my snack and headed back to my couch. The tv looked frozen. (LET IT GOO LET IT GOO, I CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMOREEE) (I'm sorry)

I tried changing the channel but it wouldn't work, "did the power actually go out..?" I asked myself.

I tired to turn on the lights and nothing. Yeah, the power and electricity went out. Great.


It's been a few days. I still don't have electricity, and the storms completely gone. Maybe I should call an electrician..?

Well I'll go to my neighbor and asked if I could just quickly call someone with their internet as it seems everyone but me was electricity.

I knocked on their door and they completely understood and let me, I was now on a call with a company.

"Hello sir or ma'am, how may I help you today?"

"Uhm- my electricity went out the day the storm started and it's still not back.. my neighbors have it but I don't.. so I was wondering if someone could come over and check it out.."

"Oh my, that was 4 days ago sir! You should of called before! And yes, we'll sent someone over immediately. What's your address?"

"My address is ********"

"Okay sir, we'll have someone there in the next hour.. and next time please call if you haven't had electricity in a day or two.. don't wait 4 days"

"Okay! Have a good day ma'am!"

"You too"

I hung up and thanked my neighbor once again and left.

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