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Tw: cursing, talk about dying

Wilbur's POV:

"What? What do you mean you have him." I said. "What's wrong?" Asked Tommy. "They have Quackity. They took him!" I said.

I hung up and started tracking the location where the call came from. "Who has him?" He asked.

"The stupid ram mafia!" I said angrily. "They promised to not touch him" he said. "yeah, well, they're big liars." I said frustrated. "We literally gave them money for them to not take him." Phil said.

"I can't track the location. Fuck! How will we find him." I said frustrated.

Quackity's POV:

Where am I? Why is it so dark? Fuck. I'm tied to a chair. Is this just ANOTHER one of Wil's sick horny pranks?

"Are you awake?" I heard someone asked. It definitely wasn't Wil or anybody I knew.

I tried opening my mouth, but nothing came out of it. "I'll take that as a yes." They said.

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you, but someone else might." I heard.

They removed my blindfold and it was dark, I still couldn't see them. "When we untie you. You don't move." They demanded.

They started to untie me, I was confused but I knew better than talking.

Wil had told me what to do if I ever got kidnapped. 'Listen to what they say until i find you' he told me often.

They grabbed me and forced me to walk to a somewhat clean office. There was an unknown guy sitting there.

"I got him boss" the guy holding me said. "Great. Leave." The boss said.

The guy holding me left and locked the door. "I'm Jeff" he said. "Great.." I said. "Not much of a talker are you?" He asked while grinning. "Yes, I am actually" I said before a plan came into my head.


Wilbur's POV:

"Where the hell is he?!" I demanded. "Calm down. I don't know" Schlatt replied. "What do you mean you don't know?!" I was starting to basically pull my hair.

"We don't have him?" He answered. "Of course you do! You hate me so you want revenge." I said.

"Wow, you paid me a lot to not touch him. I respected that." He said. "THEN WHY DID I GET A PHONE CALL SAYING YOU TOOK HIM?!" I yelled at him.

"That call is from that weird small mafia. Not mine." He said.


I was so stressed, I wasn't eating or sleeping. I got another phone call around 2:43 am.

"Please take him back!!"


"You want Quackity back? Right?"

The person sounded desperate.

"Yes.. I do.."

"Great, I'll drop him off."

"Wait what?"

"He's so fucking annoying. He won't stop talking no matter how much tape we put on his mouth!! He just eats the tape!!"

"That's definitely him.."

"I'll literally pay you to not get him near me again."


"He's so talkative- his been talking about how the earth was created for the past 5 hours straight."

"Drop him off."

"Oh thank god! I was about to pay you to take him back!-"

You could hear screaming in the background.

"Oh god!- now he's yelling"

The phone call quickly ended. What the hell just happened? Did Quackity just talked his way out of being kidnapped-

Good for him, but if that guy decided to kill him, he would've been dead.

After not even 5 minutes, I heard a truck outside. I rushed there and they basically threw him at me. He was still talking.

"Bye Jeff!!" He said. "Leave me alone!" He sounded scared.

They quickly drove off and he looked at me. "They're nice peop-"

"Shut up! How the hell did you manage to do that?! You could've died!" I yelled at him. "Jeff was chill!" He said.

"I don't think he'll bother you again tho.." I mumbled. "Oh definitely not. I made sure of it." He said.

"Do you wanna go to sleep and forget this ever happened?" He asked me. "Yes." I said. "Perfect." He said.

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