Yandere..//Quackbur 2

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Quackity's POV:

He grabbed me and started carrying me further into the forest. "Where are we going?" I asked holding back tears. "Shush. But since you must know, home. We're going home." He said. "Uh- my house is the other way.." I said hoping he wouldn't get mad that I corrected him.

"No no! Our house." He said. "oh? Uhm, I don't understand.." I said. "our house? Where we'll live! Just me and you! Doesn't that sound great?" He asked happily. "Totally.. so excited.." I lied. It was obvious too, but I don't think he realized.

"I knew you'd be just as happy as me!! But I do have some bad news.." he said. "What is it?" I asked. "I still have to go to school, so you'll be alone most of the time.. but I'm starting online school soon!!" He basically cheered. "What." I said shocked.

"What? Are you not happy to be spending hours and hours and years and decades with me." He asked. "No.." I mumbled. "What was that." He asked. "Nothing" I replied.

I wanted to kick him in his balls and run but I didn't know where we were. He's been carrying me for hours and I don't have any other drama. I don't really have friends except for Wil I guess..

Maybe I could just see him as a friend and he can see us as dating or something.

"We're finally here.. our forever house." He said. He patted my back and finally placed me on the ground. It was an average house, a beautiful dark red with a black roof. There was a lake beside it too!

"It's beautiful right? But not as pretty as you.." he said as he stared in my eyes. He probably thought this was some romantic movie moment because he leaned in for a kiss and I quickly moved my head. He seemed mad and didn't say anything.

"Follow me." He demanded angrily. He was mad. He grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the house. He gave me a tour. There were two bedrooms, two bathrooms and it was a normal two story house!

"Which bedroom is mine and which is yours?" I asked. He chuckled and replied. "you're so funny, we're sharing!" He replied smiling. "Why are there two bedrooms then?" I asked. "For our future kids!" He said. "Kids?!" I said as my brain basically stopped working.

"Yes! I already have there names!" He said. "I don't want to know any more.." I said. "Of course! You want to wait for the moment so it can be special!!" He said. "It's late.. and you still look so sick! Maybe I should take the day off tomorrow to take care of you!" He said. "No no! It's okay! I'm okay.." I said.

"Go to bed, you need to rest." He basically demanded. "Where?" I asked. "follow me!" He smiled and dragged me to our bedroom. It was the biggest between the both bedrooms.

"I have some of my clothes in the closet. Go change and I'll make you some food" he said. "Okay!" I agreed. He locked the windows and when he left he locked the door behind him.

I changed and threw my old clothes in the laundry basket. I tried finding a way out. He had locked the windows with a key which I found odd. There was no way to escape.

"Can I come in, dear?~" he asked. I panicked and hid under his desk. "Dear?" He asked. "I'm coming in." He said. I saw his feet enter and he dropped what I assume was food.

"My love?~ Where are you?" I could hear the panic in his voice. I wanted to scare him. He started looking around the room and he stepped on the food and plate he dropped.

"Dearest..?" He called out before leaving the bedroom. I grinned before crawling out under his desk. Thank god, he left.

I walked over to the food he dropped. It was spaghetti. It looked good, except for the fact it was on the ground and Wil had walked on it.

I looked out of the window and I saw Wil. He was outside, with a knife and he was looking for me.

Why did I do that? I'm so stupid.

I decided to explore the house. Every door and window were locked. And after a couple of hours I started to wonder where Wil was. It was now around 4 am.

Let's make breakfast! But not eat it for a couple of hours.

I found his recipe book and found a recipe to make pancakes!

I started cooking and an hour later I had finished! I placed all of the pancakes on a plate and put them on the dinner table.

I was about to drop them because I heard the front door swing open. "Dear?" He asked while he was looking at me. "Yes, I made pancakes! Sit down!" I said.

He looked confused and shocked but silently sat down. I realized he was covered in blood. I put all the pancakes I had made in front of him, along with a fork and knife. "Your jacket is all bloody.. let me go wash it" I said.

I took his jacket off of him and I placed it in the washer. I came back to where Wil was and sat down in front of him.

"Where were you?" He asked me. "What do you mean? I was here the entire time?" I said. I pretended to be confused.

"Really? I looked everywhere for you." He said while eating. "Don't talk and chew, Wil" I said. "Don't call me that." He said. "Fine" I replied.

We stayed in silence, until I spoke up. "Why are you covered in blood?" I asked. "Because I thought you had left me." He answered angrily. "That doesn't exactly answer my question.." I said.

"I murder someone" he said. "Again?! We talked about this." I said. He didn't reply, he finished his food and walked away. I sighed before washing the dishes and going to find him.

He was still wearing his bloody clothes, and he was reading. "Give me all your bloody clothes, I'll go wash it" I said. "Love, where were you actually?" He said. "I was under your desk.." I admitted. "Why." He asked.

"Because I wanted to scare you.. I didn't expect for you to leave the house! I thought you'd find me and I'd laugh in your face.." I said.


"I hate you" he said. "No you don't" I said. "Yeah, you're right. I love you too much"

"I know you do, you big baby. Give me your bloody clothes, I'll go wash them."

"Next time you do that. I'm putting you in the basement."

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