mad king//Quackbur 2

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Tw: mention of being sold, mention of murder, torturing someone, blood

Wilbur's POV:

I woke up at about 6am, the time I usually wake up and get out of bed. But this little ducky wouldn't wake up, so I stayed with him.

The door crept opened at about 6:30am. "I- you really like him, don't you?" Asked my brother. "Yes. I don't lie about that" I stated. "I'm telling our older brother" he said. "Do it. He's only a guard after all" I said.

He grinned and ran away. I laid back down and cuddled back with my beloved. He was shaking a bit but that didn't really matter.

"Wake up." I demand. He seemed to move in his sleep. "I said wake up. Quackity, you know I don't like repeating myself." I said.

He slowly opened his eyes, he looked around. He looked confused and then made eye contact with me, and he seemed to freak out about it.

He yelled and fell off the bed. I laughed at his stupidness, and helped him up. "Follow me." I commanded. He nodded and followed me.

We arrived at the breakfast area, it was cold and quiet as usual. I sat on the sort of throne and demanded he sit beside me.

He sat down, not saying a word. "Quackity." I started, I got his attention. "I want to know you better. Tell me about yourself. Why were you in the forest?" I asked.

I knew breakfast was being made, they always make it at about this time. "Well, my parents sold me when I was younger and I had escaped. But i arrived in your forest" he said.

This got my attention, "what was your 'kidnapper's' name?" I asked. "I think- I think, it was David?" He sounded not too sure about his answer.

"Tommy!" I yelled out. And he was there within seconds. "Find me everyone named David and bring me them here." I demanded. "Sir yes sir!" He said. "Oh c'mon" I said. He laughed and answered with a serious yes.

Soon he left, leaving me and my dear alone. The breakfast had arrived when we were talking. "Do you have any friends?" I asked him. "I do, his name is Charlie" he answered. "That's nice" I replied.

He asked a couple questions about me, but I didn't really answer them. He got the message and started eating in silence.

Soon we were both done. "Follow me. You can leave the dishes here." I demand. I love him, I love how I can demand something and he'll do it. I love being in control of him. I hope he's not doing this because he's scared. Well, he would have reasons too.

I'm more surprised he hasn't tried escaping. Well IF he does escape, I'll find him over and over again.

Quackity's POV:

Wil keeps demanding I do things. I only do it because I'm actually terrified of what will happen if I don't do what he says. He k!lls people for a living. He wouldn't mind k!lling me!

I mean, yes, he is hot. He seems kinder than what other people say about him. But he could be trying to trick me. If so I'm not falling for it.

He asked me to follow him, and he ended up in the basement. Yup I'm dying. He's going to k!ll me.

I was shaking and he noticed, he wrapped his arm around me and continued walking.

He showed me a cell, i thought he was going to throw me in it. But it was actually filled with other people.

"Point to me, which one of them hurt you." He demanded. I looked around and couldn't find him. "I don't see him.." I whispered. "That's weird. Don't be scared. He can't hurt you anymore." He said.

I looked around even more, I looked at the back of the cell in the corner. And there he was. I pointed to him. "That's what I thought." He said.

"Would you like to see me torture him?" He asked me. My eyes widen in shock, I shouldn't be shocked. But I still was.

"N-no!" I said. He looked disappointed in my answer. "That wasn't a choice." He said. I noticed David, my abuser eyes widened. He looked like he wanted to cry.

I also wanted to cry. Wil was scaring me, a lot. "Don't cry. Be grateful I'm not torturing you." He said. I tried wiping my tears away but they kept coming.

Wil sighed before calling someone name. A girl with pink hair, arrived shortly after. She was very pretty, but Wil was more handsome in my opinion.

"The guy at the back with long black hair, take him to the 'play room' I'll be there soon" he said. She smiled at me and nodded.

I was still shaking intensely. Soon The girl left with my abuser. "I never really comfort someone before" Wil admitted. "Uh- whats wrong?" He asked me. "I don't want you to torture him!" I said.

I covered my mouth with my hand. He looked shocked. "I- I'm sorry!" I said. "Why don't you want him to be tortured?" Wil asked, ignoring my apology. "I- I don't want to see anyone in pain" I replied. "But he abused you. For years." He said.

"I still don't want to see him being tortured" I said. "I guess you can listen instead" wil said. "That's the same thing!" I yelled out. "No it's not" wil said.

Wil started dragging me to I assume was the 'play room'. "No please!" I begged him. But he seemed to be ignoring me.

I kicked and screamed, and I got weird looks from people in jail cells. He pushed me into a room and followed behind. He picked me up, off of the floor. And placed me in a chair.

"Just watch. Or listen." He demanded. I tried leaving but Wil wrapped a rop around my legs, arms and chest. So I couldn't get up.

I started crying, it was just me, Wil and David. The pretty girl had left. David looked shocked to see me.

Wil pulled a tray out. "Now, where to begin?~" he asked smirking. "Why are you doing this..?" David asked.

I closed my eyes tightly shut, I didn't want to see blood. If I see blood I'll pass out. It happened before, and it sucked.

"Why am I doing this?! You abused MY BELOVED?! You deserve this!" Wil screamed at him.

Wait did he just call me 'my beloved'? Maybe he doesn't want to k!ll me? Or maybe it's a trap.

I could hear him dragging a knife on his skin. I started crying, but I wasn't crying as much as David who was being tortured. "Oh, look. YOU made MY DEAR cry!" He said. I couldn't understand his tone. It was mixed with sadness, confusion, madness and happiness?

I could hear yelling, screaming, crying and I could hear him being tortured. I wasn't paying attention I tried changing my ideas as I wouldn't want to pass out in his 'play room' where he could easily torture me too.

I actually successfully changed my ideas. I kept thinking about Charlie, who was my only friend. He must be so worried about me. I mean I'm also worried about him and his mental state. He didn't have any family, we were enough for each other. We had plenty of amazing memories, I couldn't think about one bad memory.

I couldn't hear any yelling or crying, so I assumed the session was done. I slowly opened my eyes. Wil was standing right in front of me, just staring at me.

He was also covered in blood.

"Oh darling~ don't be scared."


Damn 1295 words.

Part 3?

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