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"Babe! Over here!" Ollie shouted to his boyfriend who was over at the entrance, trying to find him and his older brother.

Yujin followed the voice and saw his boyfriend, sitting there and waving at him eagerly. He smiled, shy, and walked over to the lunch table, placing his lunchbox on the table.

"Hi.. I'm Han Yujin. I think you know me already as we passed the halls across eachother before. By the way, you are really pretty with those emoji clips." Yujin gave his signature smile. Sticking out his hands towards Zhang hao.

The older smiled and accepted his hand, and shaked it.

How the hell did this little rat get a boyfriend already and not me?! I am like, WAYYYY older than them. Sheesh, I am everything. The body, the beauty, the brains?!  Men have no taste these days for boys like me. Tsk!

"Congrats on your relationship, guys! Tell me the whole story because I needa know how my baby boy already got a boyfie that's this CUTE!" Zhang Hao exclaimed with excitement.

Ollie chuckled and smiled. "Well, honestly I was the one who took intrest first. I showed him I had interest in him and started annoying him everyday, showering him with gifts etc. I even took him out on a date. Poor guy was probably flustered... haha!" Ollie laughed and looked at Yujin with a loving smile. The younger returned it back and told him to continue.

"Then it was probably when he found out he liked me too so he texted me and asked me to meet him at Hanseoul Park, that's where he confessed and yeah, we became boyfriends."

Zhang Hao widened his eyes and nodded his head.
Then proceeded to eat his lunch.

It wasn't even 15 minutes until Zhang Hao started to play with his food and his fingers. Trying to wiggle out of his seat.

Yes, he is bored, not to mention jealous. His brother and his boyfriend was acting all lovey-dovey in front of his salad.

He took out his phone and texted Ollie.


Oh my god what?

Can you guys stop acting all lovey-dovey infront of my single ass? Thanks.

Hyung are you seriously stopping me and Yujin's conversation just because of that?


You know alot of boys in our school likes you but they just can't fit to your standards/ handle your bratty princess attitude.

Ugh, I'll never find anyone..

Hey! Should I pretend to be nice kind and patient?

Yk.. to get a man finally?

Whatever. Bet you can't even last for 1 day.


Ollie scoffed and smirked before returning to his conversation with Yujin.

Zhang Hao sat there pouting and puffing his cheeks, crossing his arms.


"Ricky!" Hanbin shouted out across the football field. He waved at the younger and ran to him.

"Whats up hyung?" Ricky asked in a whisper as their coach was still lecturing the two players on their team.

"Nothing honestly! Just waiting for this old man to finish his 10 hour lecture then we can finally continue with practice round." The older replied, stretching his arms.

Ricky nodded and looked around, "Jiwoong hyung!" he shouted, excitedly running over to his friend/crush.

Hanbin was left there dumbfounded and pouted. "Oh come on! I have literally no friends to talk to now!" he rolled his eyes and dragged himself to Gunwook.

"Oh hey hyung!" Gunwook said.

Hanbin waved, smiling lightly. "How are you? This old hag is taking so long to lecture Gyuvin and Zihao for shooting the ball the wrong way. Sheesh, I'm kinda scared of what will happen if I do that.." he said, looking at his coach lecturing the two boys.

The younger hummed and looked at his watch. "Holy shit hyung! It's almost class-" he quickly shut his mouth seeing the coach glare at him for swearing.

Then, Mr. Choi looked at his own watch and saw the time.

"Your lucky it's almost class time. Practice dismissed!" he announced to the whole soccer team.

Hanbin, Ricky, Jiwoong, Gyuvin & Gunwook all walked to class together, joking and teasing eachother, like they always do when they were younger.

"And then that girl had the audacity to kiss that guy- right infront of her crazy ex! I was trying so hard not to laugh i almost turned red." Gyuvin exclaimed while trying to breathe through his laughs.

Ricky wheezed, "HAH! You know one time I saw a man begging his girlfriend to get back with him, he was close to being on his knees, everyone was silently recording and laughing!" he said.

Hanbin was laughing really hard, "How the fuck do you find these kind of relationship drama in public as well?! I wanna try not laughing that hard in public!" he said, almost red from all the laughing.

All four of them laughed and went to their 4th class of the day.

Meanwhile with Zhang Hao, he was sitting with his bestfriend, Matthew. They were just gossiping and chatting about random stuff to kill the time waiting for their Science teacher who takes a million hours to come to class.

"So, you said you wanted help to stop your bratty attitude? And start being kind and patient, right?" Matthew asked with a smile.

Zhang Hao nodded while pouting, really giving it all in as he knew this was going to be hard, he had this attitude since he was a baby.

"Right, start being kind and smile to other students, help them out even if they look like they're fine. Only withdraw your help when they say their really fine. Usually they say it after your 3rd attempt to help. Be patient. People will start liking you more and wanting to hang out with you. Do NOT roll your eyes and cross your arms, got it?" Matthew said in a breath.

The older was shocked by what Matthew just talked in a breath. But still nodded and took notes inside his head of what his bestfriend just said.

"Then finally, find a target."

Zhang Hao widdened his eyes, a target?

"The fuck you mean target?"

"Well, find a guy that you genuinely like. If you really like him then start doing whatever I just said a minute ago." Matthew said calmly.

The older finally understood what his bestfriend just said and smiled, "Thank you hubby! I love you!" he hugged his bestfriend while saying multiple thank you's .

Matthew giggled and hugged him back, patting his back.

Hanbin walked in the class with Jiwoong, they were talking about soccer and other stuff.

Zhang Hao widdened his eyes. Why havent he ever see him around the campus? He was really hot, like everything on his list. Body, face, smile, charisma...

The boy stared dreamily at the guy and followed his every movement.


Matthew turned his attention back to Zhang Hao, "Hm?"


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