Chapter Four - Flowers & Fortune Cookies

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**Chapter Warnings**
Topic/discussion of death

Vibe: Lucky Star by Jingo



Distracted, you began to slowly trace your bottom lip with the pad of your pointer finger. You were supposed to be putting the returned books away, but instead, you were leaning against the bookshelf, hugging some random romance book to your chest and thinking of Jack Gladney.

You could still feel his soft, plush lips pressed against yours, and the feeling of his warm knuckle beneath your chin from the night before. It made your cheeks burn and your tummy fill with butterflies. You couldn't believe he kissed you. But the more you evaluated your odd fascination with him over the last year, the more you grew to like the idea of him kissing you.

He was there, standing right beside you, as you were told your life could be over sooner rather than later. He was there to pick you up off your ass and make sure you got to safety. He didn't have to do that. He showed interest, was nice, and instantly, you felt this unexplainable connection. Maybe you kept bumping into each other for a reason?

Plus, he was handsome on the eyes, tall, strong, and smart. In the short time of knowing him, you appreciated his personality and warmth above all. You could tell he was a genuine and good-hearted person.

As happy as you were to reconnect with Jack, and reconnect in a major way, a kiss....You couldn't help but think it was too much of a coincidence. He was just divorced, and he sees you, and then just kisses you? It made no sense. Did he like you? Has he liked you or even remotely thought about you? Or did he see you as an opportunity? Did he actually want to get to know you in that way?

As you decided you'd clarify that with him, it dawned on you that you never exchanged contact information. You scolded yourself for running away so soon after kissing and returned to placing books on the bookshelf, thinking you probably blew it. Knowing your luck, it would be another year until your paths crossed again.

Just as you were furiously mumbling to yourself about how stupid you were for even thinking a chance with Jack Gladney was realistic, something caught your eye.

You looked up to see the floating head of Jack Gladney above the sea of bookshelves, coming down a row, clearly in search of something. Your librarian's brain went straight to wondering what book he was in search of. It didn't occur to you that he was actually in search of something entirely different–you. That was until his eyes locked with yours. Instantly, his face lit up and he made a beeline straight for you. Your cheeks burned up as he got close.


"Hi," he said, his lips turning upwards.

"You're here." You looked around to see if any of your coworkers were nearby. Thankfully, you were tucked away in the back parts of the library.

His lips thinned as he also glanced around. "Yeah, uh, I promise I'm not stalking you."

You lightly giggled at his suddenly shy demeanor. "I didn't think you were. But now that you say that..." You playfully squinted at him. 

"I know how it must look, I just...uh." He looked around for an answer. "Here."

You watched as he pulled a single pink rose out from behind his back and presented it to you.

You smiled, not expecting this kind of gift at all.

"You told me where you worked, and you left so suddenly last night, and we forgot to exchange info. So I thought there was no harm in stopping by."

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