Calm Before the Storm

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(Above image is your suit, remove the face mask)

Y/N L/N, also known as Kid Quick, woke up early in the morning, feeling refreshed and energised as a result of his superhuman metabolism. His alarm was buzzing as it often did, and he slammed his left fist down to turn it off. As he opened his eyes, he immediately noticed something off, strange even. A warm wrapped around his chest, holding him in place. Y/N tried to lift the arm, but found it was locked around him like a vice. He tried gently moving both his arms to lift the strong-arm, but found it was locked in place. A slight, cute groan escape the mouth of the woman holding Y/N in place.

"Five more minutes" the soft, whisper groan of Y/Ns girlfriend, Kara Zor-El let out as she snuggled into Y/Ns shoulder. 

"I have to get up Kara" he tried to argue back, although he didn't exactly have the strength to match a Kryptonian. When it seemed like Kara wasn't about to let go any time soon, so Y/N did the next thing he could think of. Soo enough, his whole tried to vibrant, on a molecular level. He and Barry had used this many times in fights, but never like this. Even now though, it wasn't working. Kara just had this lock around Y/N, he didn't know if she was just this strong to keep him in place or if he actually just wanted to stay here with her. 

"Don't even think about" Kara whispered, smiling knowing she had her boyfriend right where she wanted him. So Y/N didn't fight her, and let himself relax into the softness of the mattress and the warmth of Kara's body. 

Around thirty minutes went by, Y/N could exactly get back to sleep as sun began to bleed through the gaps in the curtains. He couldn't exactly lay here for the rest of the day, but it was clear that Kara had drifted back off to dreamland. Kara moved her arm off of Y/N, trying to pull some of the blanket to warm her. With his body free, Y/N took the opportunity. 

Without wasting a moment, he leaped out of bed and dashed to his bathroom at lightning speed, moving so fast that his body was just a blur. As he arrived in the bathroom, he activated his speedster vision, which allowed him to see the world in slow motion, giving him enhanced perception and reflexes.

He quickly brushed his teeth and shaved, moving his hands at lightning speed while barely exerting any effort. His superhuman agility and coordination made these simple tasks seem effortless, and he finished them in mere seconds.

After that, he ran to his closet, looking through all of his available clothes for the day. Work hadn't called him just yet, so he probably wouldn't be working today. You see, Y/N worked as a teacher's assistant, and he didn't exactly have a fixed schedule like many of his colleagues who were also TAs. Kind of the reason Y/N got the job was that he agreed to work as an 'on call' basis. It's not like he needed the money anyway, the League had some lucrative benefits one could say. 

With his morning routine complete, Y/N zipped over to his kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee at superspeed. As he sipped his coffee, he took a moment to reflect on his upcoming day, planning out the various tasks he needed to accomplish.

Y/N's normal wake-up routine was anything but ordinary, as he moved through his day with incredible speed and agility, always ready to take on whatever challenges came his way as one of the fastest men alive. 

But, before he and Kara could get to crime fighting, there was one more thing on his morning routine. Pancakes. It was her favourite breakfast food, well her favourite food in general. And it helped that Y/N to consume between 5,000 and 10,000 calories per day. Making the mixture was enough, flour, eggs, milk, mix them all together and you're done. Rather than mix them with spoon or machine, Y/N did it the speedster way. Washing his hands for good measure, Y/N simply dipped his finger into the bowl of ingredients, and he began vibrating his hand while stirring around. Instantly the mixture became that nice yellow like colour that both he and Kara liked to see in their pancake mixture. 

𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙭 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now