Our Worlds at War

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"Oh my God" Y/N said in shock, still reeling from the revelation he had put together. Thoughts flickered through his mind, of what his meant, of what this meant. "That night in Crime Alley, Bruce was killed wasn't he? Instead of you" he added, his voice low. 

While Batman still held him in a vice like grip, one hid hands moved to Y/Ns left hand. He proceeded to bend one of the fingers back so far it certainly wasn't supposed to. A krrak sound was heard and Y/N could feel the pain shoot through his body. The fracture ripples through his hand and arm like a seismic tremor, weaving agony with every movement. Each touch jolts a symphony of sharp pain, imprisoning Y/Ns digit in a world of throbbing torment

"You.....broke my finger" Y/N groaned out, holding his damaged hand and looking shocked at Batman. "You almost broke my arm" he added. 

"I'm going to break every bone in your body until you tell me who the hell you are! And why the hell you're here!" Thomas roared getting closer to Y/N. "Did the Joker send you?" inquired, rage filling his mind. 

"What no!" Y/N swiftly answered as Batman grabbed his collar. "My name is Y/N L/N, but like you, I have another identity. I'm Kid Quick" Y/N tried to reason. "After I was struck by a bolt of lightning,  became one of the fastest men ali-" before Y/N could even finish, Batman punched him clean in the face. The punch was so strong it caused blood to spray from Y/Ns mouth and stain the floor. 

"You weren't fast to avoid THAT, you delusional son of a bitch" Batman replied, his fists ready to launch at Y/N again. 

"That' because I don't have my powers Doctor Wayne. and no one remembers there ever being a Flash" Y/N tried to argue. "Every other person who used to have super speed no longer has it, and the man who would inspired us Jay Garrick. Died in the accident that would've gifted him his powers" the young man went on. "I'm not your enemy!" he tried to reason, thanks to some moves Tim taught him. Y/N managed to avoid an incoming blow from Batman, but barley. 

"You came to the wrong nuthouse" Batman replied, grabbing Y/N by the collar and throwing half way across the cave. Y/N crashed through another wooden desk, Y/N could feel his body ache all over. But he needed to push through. 

"I must be on a different Earth......or trapped in some dimension made up by Mirror Master" Y/N muttered to himself, still trying to make sense of all the madness that plagued this Earth. 

"GET UP!" Thomas demanded, lifting Y/N high into the air.

Just as Y/N was to ready accept the beating he was going to be delivered, it felt like his head was about to split open. Feeling as though someone had taken an ice pick directly to his brain, shoving into new memories and discarding the old ones. He saw them, flashes of this world, like seeing single pages of a flip book. Y/N screamed out, feeling these images stick into his head, causing Thomas to drop him. 

"My God" he spoke. "It happened last year, Aquaman and Atlantis flooding Europe he whispered. "Before that, Wonder Woman leading the Amazons on a blitzkrieg in London" his mind waved through these images, still trying to make sense of everything. "The Kryptonians..." he stuttered, seeing this new world. "They declared war on everyone, they want this planet, they want to kill us all......Kara" he whispered her name. "This isn't a parallel Earth, or timeline. This is home......this is real!" he finished. his whole body shaking. 

"That's the first thing you've said that's made sense" Thomas said, almost glad to finally see some sanity in the man. Just then, most likely to being thrown around, something fell out of Y/Ns jacket. Something round and metal which bounced and clanged against the floor. Looking over to where the metal settled, and saw it was the one thing he was surprised had somehow survived whatever temporal shift had taken place. His Kid Quick ring. 

𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙭 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now