Making Sense of the Madness

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It had been 2 days since Y/N found himself trapped in whatever world this was, and Y/N was in the one place he wanted to be. In front of the West-Allen household. Y/N could hear the laughing and giggling of the twins Dawn and Don at the door-step, he took in a sharp breath. He was hoping, preying Barry was in, maybe he knew something, maybe he didn't. But simply seeing Barry again, the man who practically raised Y/N, would ease the growing panic within the former speedster. Breathing out which could almost be considered a sigh, Y/N pressed down on the button of the door bell. With it ringing throughout the entire house. 

"I'll get it" the young voice of one of the twins rang out. With the door soon creaking open, revealing the young girl of Dawn who looked no more than 8/9 years old. "Y/N" she called out, running to the young mans leg and hugging tightly. 

It took the man just a few seconds to register this hug, while the twins existed on his world, he rarely got to see them. "How you doing kid" Y/N awkwardly welcomed as he rubbed Dawn's head gently with her nuzzling in. "You keeping up with school?" he asked as Dawn separated. 

"School?" the voice of Iris West-Allen asked as she walked to the front door and saw Y/N standing there with a smile on his voice. 

Y/N cautiously approached the familiar figure standing before him, heart pounding in his chest. It had been years since he last saw Barry Allen, his uncle and father figure, who was supposed to be dead in Y/N's world. The circumstances that had brought Y/N to this alternate reality were still a mystery, but he had to put on a brave face and act like everything was normal. Inside he was burning inside, this world, it was doomed. Atlanteans, Amazons, and Kryptonians were at war, and it almost seemed like no one could stop them. 

"Y/N the kids haven't been in school for a week since that Manta scare" Iris pointed out, ruffling the hair of Dawn who ran back inside to play with her twin. "Although they should be heading back on Monday, but it was nice to have them home" Iris added, looking back inside the house before turning her attention to Y/N. "So what brings you by?" she asked, gesturing Y/N to come inside. 

"Do I need an excuse to see family?" Y/N joked with a smile, hanging up his coat on one of the hooks on the walls. He caught a quick glimpse of the many photos that strung across the wall, while he couldn't get a precise look at any of them, Y/N knew they'd be of happy memories. "Is, Uncle Barry here?" he asked with many nerves, forcing his body to remain still. 

"Oh he's upstairs, getting evidence together in his study. The CCPD allowed him to work from home to help out. Supposed you wanna about the Freeze case too huh?" Iris asked, the two looked into the living room. Seeing Dawn and Don playing together, toys, laughs and all. Y/N smiled, this moment, this brief happiness was something the Flash Family could never experience on his world. Under attack from Reverse Flash, the Rogues, Zoom, Inertia and whatever the hell yes the universe threw at them, they could never experience happiness as one big family. 

"The Freeze case?" Y/N half asked, half with confidence knowing what he was talking about. "Yeah, just wanted to see what Barry had found is all" he added, looking around the house for any sense of direction to where this study would be. "Normal spot right?" he asked with a half raised eyebrow, doing his best to keep his cool and not seem unusual in anyway. 

This caused Iris to giggle somewhat, "Y/N we don't move the study" she laughed again, causing Y/N to also smile somewhat. "Upstairs, first door on the left" she reminded the man, to which he shook his head slightly. 

"Yeah, I know umm, knew that" Y/N replied, rubbing his hand on the banister nervously and proceeding upstairs. Y/N reached said door, and took in a sharp breath before opening said door. He was met with the face of, in his world at least, a dead man. A rush of emotions coursed through Y/N's veins, overwhelming him like a tidal wave. Surprise struck him first, stealing his breath away. He had believed with unwavering certainty that his uncle was gone, lost to the cruel hands of fate. Yet, here was a living, breathing Barry Allen, defying everything he had come to accept. 

𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙭 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now