Can I Just Stay Here? Spend the Rest of My Days Here?

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Eobard Thawne has been menace to the Flash family before the family had even been born. From the 25th century, Thawne has the ability to shift and alter time as if he was writers editing one of his older books. Able to take people out, move around events, and even survive the death of his own ancestors. Thawne has tried to kill every member of the Family, from Barry, Wally, Bart, even Avery and Max on one or two occasions. But every time he was defeated, he somehow managed to survive. Y/N had met Thawne once or twice, he was always one of those villains you would dread to encounter. And here he stood in front of Y/N, with a smirk on his face/ 

"It's taking you longer to get up to speed than I would've guess" Thawne began as Y/N girt his teeth and breathed heavily. "Physically and mentally that is" he added. 

"Thawne" Kid Quick snarled in response, speeding over to Thawne who ran off to allow a chase to occur. The two speedsters ran through the destroyed city of London, the whole world in slow motion as Y/N tried desperately to catch Thawne. 

"Yes Quick I'm here in this hell of a world" Thawne insulted, lowering his speed to run closer to the younger speedster so he could hear him. "A world being torn apart by your friends" he added as the two passed a portion of the battlefield ravaged by the fight between Diana and Mary. 

Mary had tried her best, used the terrain, Atlanteans to distract Diana, but nothing she did would work. Diana held up Mary by her hair, threatening to rip her scalp off while Diana's other hand held a sword. Right before Diana could stab Mary, Y/N zoomed passed them, delivering a full powered punch to Diana knocking her through several buildings. This allowed Mary to gather thoughts, and with a powerful yell dive back into the fight. 

"What did you do to the world?" Y/N asked as he and Thawne came to a stop. 

Thawne's eyes narrowed, and without warning, he lunged at Y/N with lightning speed. Before Y/N could react, a torrent of strikes pounded him from all directions. Each blow felt like a lightning bolt, and Y/N struggled to even see his adversary. He tried to counter, but Thawne was too fast, a blur of yellow and red dominating the battlefield.

"What did I do?" Thawne jeered, landing a vicious uppercut that sent Y/N crashing into a nearby building. "Oh Y/N, that's the beauty of this madness. I didn't do anything, not a thing" Thawne then began to run round Quick. Throwing up dust and debris, "You see it turns out, you're the villain of this story" Thawne added, delivering a quick punch and continuing to beat down on Y/N. 

On the other side of the battle, Black Adam grabbed hold of the general. Both super-powered beings flew up into the air, crashing through the Kryptonian gunship. The gunship had continued it's barrage of the battlefield, using its powerful main canon to blast at forces belonging to humans, Atlanteans, Amazons and any Kryptonians caught in the crossfire. 

Black Adam grabbed Kal-El in by the back, and gripped him in a bear hug and lifting him upwards

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Black Adam grabbed Kal-El in by the back, and gripped him in a bear hug and lifting him upwards. Kal-El struggled against his grip, using his heat vision to try and blast straight through Adam's skull by the magical being maintained his grip. "SHAZAM" Adam called out, a great bolt of lightning striking the ship, straight through the metal and into Kal-Els back leaving a massive scorch mark. "SHAZAM" again, another thunderous bolt, this one greater and bigger. The gunship was loosing it's power, and began to crash. Black Adam didn't give in, even as more Kryptonians attempted to pry him off their general. Adam had one last word to shout, calling down the biggest bolt of lightning he could. "SHAZAM!!!!!!!" a final bolt, made of pure magical energy blast through the gunship, and Kal-El. The ship crashed, throwing up dust and metal everywhere, shrapnel killing several warriors in the process.

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