Ticking Away the Moments that Make Up a Dull Day

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It had been exactly two days since the recruitment of Black Adam in this little team Y/N and Thomas were assembling. And the abundance of questions coming from the ancient champion were beginning to get on their nerves slightly. Teth-Adam constantly asked the most ridiculous questions about technology, culture and so on so forth. But mainly, he would spend his time watching the news. The destruction, the chaos caused by three superhuman armies crashing down on Earth. 

Teth-Adam had used his connection to the Rock of Eternity to track down the remaining member of the Shazam Family. Y/N and Thomas pulled up to a bar somewhere in Fawcett City, whoever was alive decided to spent their remaining days drinking the sorrow away. According to reports, the Marvels disappeared around two weeks ago after attempting to take down Wonder Woman. They left Adam back with the Manor, with about four hours of random tv shows to keep him busy. He seemed to enjoy westerns for some odd reason. 

"Here we are" Thomas said as the car same to stop, he looked towards the bar dubbed the 'Oblivion Bar'. The name caused Y/N to chuckle slightly, as the bar of the same name in his timeline was vastly different to the run down, dumpster that was in front of him. Thomas pulled up the CCTV of the bar, Y/N scanned the bar before going in. His eyes gleamed over the few patrons that were there, while he didn't spot Billy Batson. He spotted who was to be the last remaining member of the Shazam Family in this timeline. Mary Bromfield, other wise known as Mary Marvel. 

Portrayed by Grace Fulton 

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Portrayed by Grace Fulton 

The despair visible in her eyes, the loss of hope. An emptiness that Mary was desperately trying to full with the numerous empty bottles of alcohol in front of her. Y/N couldn't help but look on, seeing the woman he knew had lost her family, and therefore lost part of herself. 

"Mary" Y/N whispered, the sight tugging on his heart somewhat. 

"You know her?" Thomas asked, as he was still unsure how all this timeline, timey wimey stuff worked. 

"We ummm" Y/N tried to say nervously, thinking back to their time on the Titans together. "We got along at times, really, really well at other times" he smiled, thinking back to those nights. But they were nothing more than flings, Y/Ns heart belonged to Kara. And he had to get her back. 

Thomas glanced at Y/N, his dark eyes studying him intently. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice gravelly with concern. "She's in a fragile state, and Wonder Woman has already caused her more pain than anyone should bear."

Y/N nodded, his resolve unwavering. "I know it won't be easy, but I think I can get through to her. She knew me before all of this. I can try to remind her of the person she used to be, the hero she was."

Thomas sighed, knowing that Y/N's determination could not be swayed. "Alright," he finally relented. "But be careful. If anything seems off or dangerous, don't hesitate to call for backup."

As he finally found Mary, he could see the pain etched on her face, a heartbreaking reflection of the world they now inhabited. Taking another deep breath, Y/N summoned all the strength he had, the memories of the person Mary once was, and the bond they once shared. Pink Floyd's Time was playing in the background of the bar. One poor soul fell in his seat, smashing a beer bottle on the ground causing the bartender to move over to try and clean up the mess. Y/N took up a stool next to Mary, who's eyes looked over at Y/N with a smile on her face. 

𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙭 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now