Better Than a Ring

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In their shared apartment Luna and Luan were grabbing their keys before they turned to see the smiling Sam and Benny over by the couch. Sam was the first to speak, asking, "You two got everything?"

Luna smiled, "Yes, Luv. Thanks for asking."

Benny then said, "Have fun at Lynn's game you two. Just don't do anything too crazy without us."

Luan laughed, "Oh come on, Benny. We're Louds we're beyond crazy."

The group shared a small laugh, before Luna said, "Will see you two when we get back. Don't wreck the apartment while we're away."

Sam replied, with a laugh, "Don't worry, we're not you two."

Luan joked, "Wow, now that was a Sharp comeback. Ha ha ha. Get it?"

Benny laughed, "Good one, Luan."

The other two just groaned, with Luna saying, "Come, Luan, let's go before you make another joke that makes me want to leave you here."

After the two left and shut the door, Sam and Benny quickly pulled out some magazines hidden under the couch. They brought them over to the kitchen table and began looking through them at all the rings the magazine displayed. Sam then stated, "Alright, time to find the most rockin' wedding rings for the two best girls in the world."

Benny gave her a thumbs up, "Oh yeah."

Just then, the apartment doors opened, and the two quickly tried to hide the magazines, only to sigh in relief when they saw it was just Sully and Mazzy. Sully let out his own sigh, "Oh man, did we miss them leaving."

Mazzy stated, "Looks like it." She then turned to see what Sam and Benny were looking at, "But I think we arrived just in time for something more interesting." The pair walked over to the kitchen table with smug smiles, "So, what are you two looking at?"

The two began to nervously laugh and say together, "Nothing!"

Sully replied, "Really? Because nothing looks a lot like wedding ring catalogs."

Both just threw up their hands, with Benny saying, "Fine. You caught us. I plan to ask Luan to marry me."

Sam added, "And I'm planning the same thing with Luna."

Sully and Mazzy both said, "Awww." They then sat down at the table, with Mazzy asking, "How can we help?"

Benny stated, "Well, we could use a second opinion on these rings."

The group got to work looking over the catalogs. After a while, both Sam and Benny threw up their hands, with the latter saying, "This isn't working."

Sam jumped in, "We've found very few good ones and the ones we have found are way too expensive."

Sully began to say while pointing his thumbs at himself, "Now let's not give up hope on the expensive ones. All you need is a masterful haggler."

Gaining a smirk, Sam asked, "Okay. When is he getting here?"

The others began to laugh, as Sully insisted, "'I meant me." They just laughed harder.

Mazzy then began to pat a pouting Sully on the shoulder, while saying, "Sully, I love you, but you can't haggle."

Getting up from his seat, pulling his jacket, and popping his collar, Sully said, "Oh yeah. I'll show you. I say we head down to that jewel store in the mall and I'll show you I've got the skills to pay the bills."

Sometime later, the group of four was making their way through the mall and to said store. Once they got over to a case showing off some rings, one of the people working there, a woman in a black suit, asked, "How can I help you today?"

Sully turned to the others and stated, "Watch this." He pointed at a ring, "How much for that one?"

"That is a thousand dollars."

"I'll give you fifty bucks."

The entire group just stared dumbfounded at him, with the women just saying, "I'm sorry do you actually want to buy something here or are you just going to waste my time?"

Sully simply replied, "Ninty bucks."

Mazzy pulled him back after that, allowing Sam and Benny to step forward, with the latter saying, "Sorry about him."

Sam then jumped in, "He can't haggle. What's the cheapest rings you have here?"

The woman pointed to a case on the far right of the store and said, "The rings over here are anywhere between one hundred to three hundred dollars."

As she led the two over to the case, Sully started pouting, with Mazzy patting his shoulder and saying, "Aww come on, man. Don't be like that. Do you want to go get a soft pretzel with extra salt?" He just nodded.

A few minutes later, the four sat at a table in the food court, with Sully and Mazzy eating pretzels, while Sam and Benny looked at the rings they got in their boxes. Both of them looked a little unsure, with Benny saying, "They're nice and all, but I don't know if they're special enough for the girls."

Sam nodded, "I know what you mean."

After swallowing some of his pretzel, Sully recommended, "Well, maybe if you ask them in a very special way it can still work."

The pair thought for a minute, before Sam smiled, "That might just work." She turned to Benny, "After all, we are preforms."

Benny nodded, "That we are."

The group began to discuss ideas.

Later that night, Luna and Luan walked down the hallway to their apartment. Once they got there, Lune got out her keys to open the door. Upon entering the Loud girl's eyes widened, as they saw that the room, was only illuminated by glow sticks, with flowers sprinkled throughout the floor. Before they could ask anything, Sam and Benny came out from the hallway. Sam with her guitar and Benny dressed as a mime. Instantly, Sam started playing her guitar. As the toon filled the air, she sang, "Luna, you've got the most beautiful voice when you sing." Benny began miming like a wall was in front of him, "All these years we've been together this is more than just a fling." Using his miming, Benny bent down and acted like he was trapped in a box and couldn't get out, "I always want to be with you forever, you see." Benny waved at Luan who blew him a kiss, catching it, he put it on his chest, causing his chest to puff up and he punched his way out of the invisible box. He and Sam started to make their way over to the smiling Luna and Luan. They both got on one knee, as Sam finished, "So I gotta ask will you marry me!" She pull out her ring box and opened it up to show Luna the ring. Luna's eyes widen. Then Benny pulled out his own ring box and presented his ring to Luan. Her eyes widened too.

Soon, both girls' eyes began to water, and they instantly hugged Sam and Benny. Luna then shouted, "Yes, Sam! Of course, I'll marry you!"

Luan shouted after, "Yes, Benny! A thousand times yes! I'll marry you!"

Both Sam and Benny smiled and embrace their girlfriends, soon-to-be wives. As the four shared this joyous moment, Sully's voice was heard outside the door, "Can we come in we're dying to find out what happened."

All four of them laughed, before Benny said, "Yeah, you two can come in."

The door opened and Sully and Mazzy rushed in to join in the celebration.

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