The Duo Wedding Part 2: A Rocking and Funny Finish

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At the wreck center, most everyone there was outside, trying to shovel away the large amounts of snow to clear a path. As they struggled to do so, Lynn Jr shouted, "Put your backs into it!"

Sid annoyingly shouted back, "We are putting our backs into it!" Just then, she slipped and the snow she was lifting up fell on her.

Ronnie Anne quickly helped her friend up and asked, "Sid, you okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah. This is still better than dealing with snow back in Great Lakes City. At least here we don't have Becky pelting us with snowballs."

After that, Lynn Sr also slipped into the snow while shoveling, with Rita rushing over and helping him up, while asking, "Honey, are you alright?"

Shaking off the snow, Lynn Sr sighed, "Yeah, dear. I'm alright."

Seeing the others getting tired, Lynn Jr doubled her efforts, vigorously shoveling snow, as she said, "Come on guys! We can't give up! We've got to clear the way so Luna and Luan can get here!"

Eventually, Lincoln walked over to her and grabbed her arms to stop her shoveling. As she looked at her brother he said, "Lynn, stop. This just isn't going to work."

Throwing her shovel to the ground in frustration, Lynn Jr asked, "Well then how are we supposed to make sure the wedding can still go on!?"

Lincoln looked down at the snow, "I'm not sure."

Just then, Lisa walked out of the wreck center, pocketing her cell phone, and saying, "It's time for mental superiority to succeed where physical prowess has failed. Street name, it's brains over brawns. I called for some help."

Lana asked, "Who?" Lisa just smiled.

Back at the shared apartment of Luna, Luan, Sam, and Benny, everyone sat around the place, looking downcasted. Benny looked at the snow falling outside and said, "Well, it's slowing down at least, but with how much is already on the ground, I'm not seeing a way through it right now."

Simon added, "Yeah, according to the weather channel it's been one of the worst snow storms in a while."

Sam raised an eyebrow and asked, "Since when do you watch the weather channel?"

He turned to his sister and replied, "Since they hired a very cute-looking weather girl and a very handsome weather guy duo."

Luna then sadly said, "So much for getting married today."

Luan added with her own sadness, "Yeah, instead of a wedding day it's a weeping day. Ha ha ha. Get it? But seriously, this is the worst." She crossed her arms and pouted. Benny was quick to give her a hug, as Sam was to Luna.

Sully soon walked out from the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal, and saying, "I mean if one of us took the online application we could become a minister and marry you right here right now."

Mazzy sarcastically said, "Oh yeah, because I'm sure that's how they want to do it today. Also, what's with the cereal?"

Sully defended, "Hey come on, I'm hungry. I haven't had a chance to eat much because of all the prep work we were doing for the wedding, plus I wanted to save room for Mr. Loud's great cooking when I thought we were going to make it to the wreck center today." He turned to her and waved a spoon full of cereal near her face, "Don't pretend you're not hungry from this crazy day?"

Shaking her head, Mazzy replied confidently, "I'm not!" Just then her stomach growled. Blushing she took a bit of the cereal. After a few moments of silence, Mazzy turned her head, "Shut up."

Sully gave a small chuckle, "Hey, I didn't say anything."

Just then, Luna's phone rang and she answered it, "Hello?"

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