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It was morning in the shared apartment of Luna, Luan, Sam, and Benny. In the kitchen, Luan and Benny sat at the table eating breakfast, feeding each other a donut. Just then, Sam came out of the hall and into the kitchen, saying, "Hey you two."

They both replied, "Hey." Then Luan asked, "Luna still sleeping?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah. And that's good because I want to ask you two something in private."

Benny asked, "What is it well."

The rocker began to explain, "Well, since we're planning this wedding now, and there's usually dancing at weddings, I was hoping you guys could maybe help me learn to dance at least a little. I really want to share at least one dance with Luna when we're married."

Nodding her head, Luan told her, "Of course. I'd be more than happy to help my future sister-in-law."

Shaking his own head, Benny joined in, "Me too. Should we also call Sully and Mazzy to help?"

Nervously shaking her head, Sam stated, "Absolutely not. They tried to teach me how to dance back in high school and after all the failures they deemed it kind of a lost cause."

Luan smiled, "Well, luckily for you, you're marrying into the Louds, and lost causes are some of our specialties."

Sam smiled, but then the group heard one of the bedroom doors open, and Luna walked out of the hall, giving a yawn, "Hey, dudes. What's up?"

They all instantly shook their heads and shouted together, "Nothing!"

A little confused, Luna just replied, "Okay." She gave Sam a quick kiss on the cheek and headed into the bathroom down the hall.

Once the door to the bathroom shut, Sam whipped the sweat from her brow, "Phew. Almost lost my cool there."

Benny then asked, "So do you have a place we can practice in secret from Luna?"

Sam shook her head, "No need. Sul and Maz may think I'm a lost cause when it comes to dancing, but they're still willing to help by keeping Luna out of the house so we can practice. They have the perfect plan they said."

Raising an eyebrow, Luan asked, "What plan?"

Sometime later, Luna was sitting on one of the stools by the table in Sully and Mazzy's apartment, with Sully and Mazzy sitting across from her. The Loud had just asked, "Sure dudes. I'll help you test out this game you came up for the game night Mr. Chet wants to add to Entrees and Entertainment."

The two shouted, "Great." Sully then said, "You two can be the contests and I'll be the host."

Mazzy turned to him and asked, "Why do you get to be the host and not me?"

He gave her a smug smile, "Because I have the hair for it." He slicked back his hair and started doing an announcer's voice, "Now let's get this show started folks."

Back in the apartment the two Louds shared with their future wife and husband, the table and couch in the living had been pushed to the far back, and Luan and Benny now stood in the center of the room. However, they weren't in their normal clothes, Luan had a yellow dress on and a yellow top hat, along with a fancy cane, while Benny was decked out in a blue tuxedo and blue top hat, along with his own fancy cane. Sam just stared at the two dumbfounded and asked, "Are the getups really necessary."

Benny told her, "You have to be in the right mindset to dance." He tipped his hat.

Luan then said, "Alright let's help you make your groove. Ha ha ha. Get it?" Benny gave a chuckle, while Sam just rolled her eyes, "But seriously, when we're done you should finally be able to dance with Luna."

Rocking Comedy Season 2: The Wedding EditionWhere stories live. Discover now