Culinary Conflict

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The Moon Goats had just ran through the doors to Entries and Entertainment, holding their instruments and sweating profusely. Trying to catch their breaths, Mazzy began to panically say, "Sorry we're late, boss."

Sully added with his own panic, "We didn't mean to it's just-." He stopped as he and the others took notice that the restaurant was almost completely empty, only serving three customers.

The exhaustion on their four faces was replaced by confusion, as Luna asked, "Did we miss something?"

They look over to the counter to see Chet lying face-first on the counter. Pulling up his head he cried, "A new restaurant opened up across the street and is stealing all our business!"

Sam said, "Oh man that's terrible. Do you still want us to perform or not to bother?"

He shook his head, "No, you four can, you're great and I'm sure the few loyal customers we have will appreciate it. But after that" he smacked his hands together, "we've got to find out a way to deal with the competition!"

The Moon Goats nodded and headed to the stage to set up.

Sometime later, after their performance, the Moon Goats went across the street to the other restaurant, a much large rectangular-shaped building, with a sign saying "Food For You" on top. Luna laughed, "I guess naming creativity isn't their strong suit."

The others nodded in agreement, before Mazzy said, "Let's get to the bottom of this."

They headed to the door guarded by a big bouncer-looking man. As they got close through, the bouncer stopped them. The Moon Goats had irritation written all over their faces, with Sully angrily shouting, "Hey!"

Sam added with her own fury, "What gives!?"

The big man explained, "Sorry, but" he pointed towards Luna, "She's not allowed in here."

Luna shouted an angry fueled question, "Says who!?"

Just then, two familiar voices were heard, as the doors to the restaurant opened, "Says us."

The Moon Goats' jaws dropped as they saw the two people who walked out; Doug and Michelle, who they were quick to point out. Luna and Sam going, "Michelle!?"

While Sully and Mazzy went, "Doug!?"

The two adults could only smirk in satisfaction, as Luna asked, "Why are you here!?"

Michelle stated, as she pointed up to the Food For You sign, "We're the owners of this fine establishment."

Sam shrieked, "What!?"

Doug began to explain, "You see, after a certain rocker girl" he glared at Luna, "ruin the America's Next Hitmaker, our careers in the music industry ended up going downhill."

Michelle took over, "So we decided to go into the food business and were killing at it."

Mazzy told them, as she pointed to Entries and Entertainment behind them, "You're also taking all of our friend's and employer's business!"

Doug smiled, "Oh, that's a nice bonus then."

Michelle then stated with venom, "Now kindly get off our property." Pointing at Luna, "Luna Louds are not allowed, or any other Loud, or an associate."

The bouncer started cracking his knuckles and the Moon Goats made a run back to Entries and Entertainment.

Once the gang was back inside the restaurant they met up with Chet in the kitchen, with Luna sighing, "I should have known only those two would be vindictive enough to do something like this."

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