Location, Location, Location

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In the shared apartment of Luna, Luan, Sam, and Benny, it was quiet, until the door to the place flung open, and in walked the four who live there, plus Sully and Mazzy. However, all their hair was smoking a bit, and they all had some soot on their faces. They all walked over to the kitchen table and took some seats. After they did, Mazzy simply said, "Okay, maybe a fireworks factory isn't the best place for a wedding."

Luna sarcastically stated, "You think!?"

Sully added, "It might have worked if you didn't feel the need to test them to see if they were for real."

Holding up her arms, Mazzy shouted, "I had to make sure they were for real. It would be a waste of money to pay for a place that wasn't authentic! Especially since the wedding will be in February on Valentine's Day, so we don't want everyone getting cold."

After that, Luan laughed, "Yeah, but you didn't have to be such a hothead about it. Ha ha ha. Get it?"

While the others groaned, Benny laughed and joined in, "Yeah, talk about having a fiery passion." Both he and Luan started laughing together.

When they finally stopped, Sam entered the conversation, "Still, we have to find a place that will work."

Luna put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, Luv. Will find it. We've just got to keep looking."

The next day, the gang was walking down the street, with Benny looking at his phone and saying, "Okay, according to the directions, the place we've got to check is right around this corner." He pointed ahead.

Luan then said, "Man, it would be so amazing to actually get married at the old Vermillion Chateau Theater. It's the oldest theater in the city. So many famous performers have performed there over the years before it was closed."

Luna happily added, "Including Mick Swagger during his second tour."

Clasping her hands, Sam jumped in, "It would be so cool if we could get married at that place."

Mazzy told them, "Let's just hope it isn't too run down after all these years."

As the group rounded the corner they stop and froze from shock. The Vermilion Chateau Theater had been partially demolished by a construction crew. After some silence, Sully spoke up, "It doesn't look too bad."

The group began to examine the place, with Luna shouting, "What happened!?"

Mazzy simply stated, "I believe it was demolished."

Luna face palmed, "Thank you, Mazzy for that. You're a regular Sherlock Holmes."

Seeing the manager directing some workers, Luan rushed over and asked, "Hey, buddy. I guess you're bringing down the house. Ha ha ha. Get it? But seriously, what's going on here? Why are you tearing the Chateau Theater down?"

The manager simply said, "Sorry, the mayor is having a new theater built to replace this one, so it has to go I'm afraid."

As the group looked down, Sam sullenly stated, "I guess will have to find another place."

Sometime later, the group was now in an old disco with the music blaring louder than even an eleven. Many people were dancing, as the group was standing in the middle of all this. Luna shouted, "I think this place could work!"

The others shouted, "WHAT!?"

Shouting some more, Luna repeated, "I said I think this place could work!"

Luan shouted back, "You want a can of worms!?"

Benny came in, "I don't think that's what she said!"

The others shouted, "WHAT!?"

He repeated, "I said I think she said something else!"

Sam asked, "Come wing alps!?"

After that, one of the dancers rammed into Sam, knocking her to the floor. Luna quickly went to help her up. Then Luan got accidentally knocked to the floor next. Benny was quick to help her up. Sully was next to get crashed into, sent hurtling into Mazzy who caught him. However, then she got slammed in the back by someone's shoulder, sending her and Sully tumbling to the ground.

Later, the group was now in the bar Benny and Sully had been to for their Guy's Night Out(1). Luna, Luan, Sam, and Benny all sat in a booth with some drinks, while Sully and Mazzy were playing pool. As she took a sip of her drink, Luna said, "Man, we still can't find a place for the wedding."

Lluan added with equal worry, "I hope we can find a place for it soon."

Mazzy told them, as she missed her shot with the pool cube, "Well, you all can't give up. I'm sure will find a place for it."

Sully began to set up his shot, "That's a very nice sentiment, Maz, but I can't think of how well find a place at this rate. I mean it's not like the answers will just show up out of the blue." He hit the pool ball, only for it to go flying off the table.

Luckily, it was caught by someone walking over. This someone was none other than the former roadie for the Moon Goats, Chunk, now sporting a small beard. He then said, "I wouldn't say that."

All the Moon Goats shouted with surprise and joy, "Chunk!"

Getting up from their seats, Luna and Sam joined Sully and Mazzy over by the pool table, with Luna asking, "What are you doing here, Chunk? I thought you were still in Britain, visiting you're extended family?"

He explained, "I was, but I finished up the whole family business thing and came back to Royal Woods. And I thought I'd visit my old mates to see how you all were doing and it looks like I got here just in time to help out."

Mazzy smirked, "Huh. I guess the answer did show up out of the blue."

After that, Sully looked up to the ceiling and said dramatically, "And it's not like a million dollars is going to show up out of the blue." He looked around the building for a bit, before sighing, "Dammit."

Giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, Mazzy told him, "It was a good try, Sul."

Sam then asked, "Wait, you can help Chunk?"

He nodded, "Yup. I came in just a little bit ago and overheard you guys, you need a place for a wedding or something?"

Luna smiled, "Yup." She then brought Sam into a side hug, "Me and Sam are getting married."

Chunk smiled, "That's great. I always knew you two kids would tie the not one day."

Sam happily added, "And we're not the only ones."

Luan and Benny walked over, hugging each other, with the former saying, "Me and Benny are also getting married."

Chunk said, "Aww that's so sweet. Two sisters getting married to their true loves at the same time."

Benny nodded, "Yeah, it is great, we just need a place for the wedding."

Snapping his fingers, Chunk told them, "Well, I think I have a good place for you all to tie the not."

Sometime later, Chunk led the group into an old wreck center, and said, "Here we are."

The group looked around amazed, with Luan saying, "Wow. This place is pretty cool."

Benny nodded, "Yeah." He turned to Chunk, "And you're sure we can use this place for the wedding?"

Chunk smiled, "Of course. My cousin owns this place and he's more than happy to rent it out for special occasions."

Luna told him, "Thank you, Chunk. This means a lot."

Sam added, "This place is great. It even has a stage, which will be good for the entertainment."

Chunk replied, "Don't mention it, luvs. I was happy to help out."

[The End]


1.) Guys Night Out, Episode 6 of Season 1 of my Rocking Comedy Fanfic series.

Rocking Comedy Season 2: The Wedding EditionWhere stories live. Discover now