The Duo Wedding Part 1: Preparations and Panicking

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(Before we begin this Multi-Parter Wedding finale, I would like to first give a big shout-out to a friend of mine, Pikachufanno9, who has already done individual wedding fanfics for both Luna and Sam, and Luan and Benny, and in his Luan and Benny one, since Benny is Jewish, he included several Jewish wedding traditions in their wedding, and I'm going to be using a few of them for my wedding to. So big thanks to Pikachufanno9 for that stuff, link to his fanfic where he did that here, both the one he uploaded Fanfiction.Net and the one he uploaded to A4O:

In the joint apartment of Luna, Luan, Sam, and Benny, all slept peacefully, until their alarms started blaring. Waking up, they shut off their alarms and rushed out to the hall, with Luna cheering, "You dudes ready!?"

The other three nodded, "Yeah!"

Luan then added, "But where missing some people on this. Let's go get them!" The group rushed over to the apartment next door and soon dragged out an irritatingly looking Sully and Mazzy, both still clinging to their bed sheets. After getting back to their shared apartment, Luan pulled out an air horn and pressed it.

The loud howl jolted Sully and Mazzy up. Sully began to frantically and irritably say, "Okay, okay. Where up."

Mazzy gave a yawn, "Was that really necessary, dudes?"

Luan laughed, "It could have been worse. We could have had Luna and Sam use their amps to wake you up. Luna woke me up that way a few times back when we were kids, so trust me, you got off easy."

Luna explained, "Besides, dudes. The wedding is today and you two have important roles."

Sam nodded, "Yeah, Maz your both mine and Luna's bridesmaid."

Benny walked over to Sully and stated, "And you're my best man, Sul."

Shaking his head to wake up, Sully replied, "Right. Oh, hey thanks again for that. I don't have any other male friends or siblings so I would have never gotten to be a best man."

"No problem, I kind of lost touch with my theater friends, so I can think of no one better. Besides, we can't have a single member of the Moon Goats left out of this, otherwise, it won't be a full moon." Benny laughed, as did Luan, while the others just groaned.

When Luan stopped laughing she said, "Good one, dear."

Benny smiled, "Thanks, hun."

Mazzy cleared her throat, "All right let's just get things started. See how much we can get done before the other Louds show up to help."

Luna began to say, "Alright, dudes and dudettes, let's get to work." She pointed to Mazzy, "Maz, you'll be here with me and Sam. I'll be getting ready in Luan and Bbenny's room, while Sam gets our room. And don't worry about being overwhelmed, once Leni gets here you'll have backup."

Luan added, "And me and Benny will be over in Sully and Mazzy's apartment getting ready. While Sully helps Benny, I'll do what I can until Lucy and Lola get here to help."

Everyone nodded and headed out to their positions.

Sometime later, in the shared apartment, Mazzy was running back and forth between the rooms. As she ran into Luan and Benny's room, she handed Luna a vail, while saying, "Here's you're vail, Luna."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Um, dude, Sam's wearing the veil, not me."

Shaking her head, Mazzy began to say, "Sorry. Going back and forth is making this a little confusing. I wish Leni would get here all ready to help."

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