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New day at school, but it's the same old me......

School's almost over so I started packing my stuff.

"Ms Y/N, I forgot my Chemistry book in the lab. Could you please go grab it for me?" The teacher asked me.

I can't say no right? So of course I had to go get it.


There was no one in the chemistry lab.

Now where is the book?

Oh! There it is!

I took the book and was about to leave when-

"Lol!! Look at Y/N everybody! She's locked in the lab~ How can she come out now??" 

Somebody locked me in the chemistry lab!!

"Well, she's not alone! Let her have a good time with all those dead friends of her's!" Another bully shouted.

Okay, this was too much now. The school's over soo no one would probably come to the chemistry lab now.......

What do I do???

I can't stay locked up here until tomorrow!

I tried shouting for help but there was no one who could hear me.....

I even tried jumping down the windows but by doing that, I would die as it was too high.


Guess I have no other option but to stay here until someone rescues me........


The time is almost 10 pm now and my stomach was making a lot of weird noises.

I literally haven't eaten anything since morning.


The time kept clicking on......I wasn't even feeling sleepy.....

I wonder how seungcheol is........hope he isn't too worried about me.......

Should I call him and tell him I'm fine?

Oh.....wait a min!?!? Now I remember! I have my phone with me!!


But it has zero charging......wow....great!


2 am.......still don't know what to do......

I just sat quietly in a corner hoping spiders or cockroaches don't pop out from somewhere.

I'm afraid of bugs.........

*cracking noise*

Wait....what was that sound??

It sounded like a glass breaking....

"Is anyone else here?? If you're trying to prank me, sorry but it's not funny!" I shouted but there was no response.

I got up and headed to the direction from where the sound came.


"AHH!!!" I shouted really loudly.

There was a guy standing there who was also wearing our school uniform.

Did someone lock him in here too?

"Who are you?" I asked him, terrified.

"Um....hi? You can see me?" He asked me looking confused.

"Of course I can see you. I'm not blind or something!" I said that but he was still looking confused.

"Well......what's your name?" He asked.

"Park Y/N."

"Oh.....I see......I'm Hong Jisoo. You can call me Joshua anyways." He said smiling at me.

"Okay.....but what are you doing in here?" I asked him curiously.

"Um.....I know you wouldn't believe me but.....I've been waiting for you. Since 2 weeks...." He replied.

He's been waiting for me? That too since two weeks??

What's going on??

"Are you kidding me??" I asked him but he looked as if he was serious about it.

"Listen......I'm actually dead." He replied still with his serious face on.

What the hell!?!?!?

Is this some sort of a prank?????

I was about to say something when all of a sudden, the door burst open, revealing my brother, Seungcheol.

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