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Joshua and I were now in the police station.

None of the police were caring and they just kept asking me to stay out of this....

They said they'll take care of it but they don't look like they would.

"Miss....please come aside for a moment." A young officer said. 

"I understand your pain and want to help you. All the other officers over here wouldn't really bother about the case so why don't we go our own way and deal with the murderer?" He suggested.

It's actually good that someone wants to help me.....

"Yeah...sure officer. Thanks for you kindness." I thanked him as I bowed.

"Here take my number. I'm Jeon Wonwoo. Let's start investigating from tomorrow." He said as he smiled at me and gave me his number.

"Thank you...."


"Y/N, so are you planning on finishing off the murderer?" Joshua asked me.

"Hmm.....yes...." I replied.

"Okay......." He said looking down.....

I understand that he wants us to stay together but I don't want to leave the person who killed my beloved brother alive!


"So Y/N ssi.....do you know anything about the murderer?" Wonwoo asked me as he came over to my house to discuss things.

He dosen't know about Joshua. Should I tell him?

"I actually don't know what the murderer looks like, but I do know where he stays." I replied as he kept noting down things.

"How do you know about that?" He asked.

"Well, it might be hard for you to believe it.......there's a guy named Joshua who was killed by the same person who killed my brother. Apparently, I can see and hear Joshua as we're soulmates. They framed Joshua's case to be a suicide and did not arrest the murderer. So only if the murderer is killed, Joshua's soul can rest in peace and can be sent to his after life." I told him and he was just looking at me with the 'wtf' look.

I get it....he might think I'm paranoid but it's true.....

"So that means Joshua is here with us right now?" He asked me looking around.

"Yes....he's sitting right beside you." I said pointing to the place beside Wonwoo.

He cleared his throat and got up.

"Ok......we'll go to the murderer's place tomorrow. Have nice day!" He said as he left.


"But Y/N, do you think a police officer will be fine with you killing someone?" Joshua asked me.

"He looks like he'll help me out.....let's just see...." I replied.

"But.......will you be fine without me? You don't even have your brother now....." He asked looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes....I'll be fine." I told him avoiding his eyes.

But that's a lie.......

I won't be fine without you Joshua..........

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