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It's been a whole week since that chemistry lab incident and I couldn't get that Joshua guy out of my mind.

I told Seungcheol about it and he just told me I was hallucinating or something and asked me not to think much about it.

But seriously.....was he really dead?

Then can I actually see dead souls?


Okay......I decided to go to the Chemistry lab today so that I can hopefully find Joshua there.

"Hello? Joshua? You there?" I tried calling him out.

There was no response.

I looked for him everywhere in the lab but he wasn't there.........

So I was just hallucinating? 

I was about to leave the lab and just then-

"Oh! Y/N! Thanks for coming back!" Joshua shouted and I got startled.


"So, you're telling me you are dead and I'm the only person who can send you to your after life??" I asked him as he told me about it.

But how is that even possible?

"Yes." He said.

"But why am I the only person who can do that and why do you need someone to send you to your after life? Don't you just go there?" I asked curiously.

"Listen, the thing is, you are the only person who can see me, hear me because you are my 'soulmate'." He replied but I can see that he was not joking.

"Such sh*t exists? I don't believe in soulmates or whatever." I said making an annoyed face.

"I did not used to believe it too.......but after I died.....it all makes sense."

"Okay.....but how did you die?" I asked him all of a sudden.

I mean, it's odd for such a young student to die......

"*sigh* I was just a normal high school student like you......until 4 weeks ago, I was an alive human being a regular high schooler. One day, I was heading home after school and a random masked up guy stabbed me from my back and I was killed that way. They framed it to be a suicide and the murderer was not caught. So I died a very tragic death and my soul is filled with anger. Only if the murderer is killed, my soul can rest in peace and be sent to the after life. As you are the only person who can see me and hear me, you are the only person who can kill him." 

Whoa.....that's a lot of drama......

I thought such things only happens in movies but....yeah!

So now I have to 'kill' somebody??

Like seriously??

Why would I do that for an unknown person?

"What do I gain by doing it for you?" I asked him.

"..........." He was silent.

"Hmm?" I questioned him again.

"Nothing? But can you please do it for me? I don't want to be hanging in the middle of life and death this way......please do me this one favour with a kind heart." He pleaded me.


I do want to help him........

"Okay...I'll think about it....." I told him.

"Yes! And can I stay with you? Like....it's good to have someone to talk to! It's boring in this chemistry lab....." He asked me with puppy eyes...

Seriously?? Puppy eyes??

"Um.....ok I guess....."

He looked really happy!

Now that I look at him, he has a really cute face that would make your day!


Hope this makes your day!  ; ) <3

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Hope this makes your day!  ; ) <3

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