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I woke up in a completely unfamiliar place.

Am dead? Or Am I still alive?

I don't know......

Everything was pitch black. 

All of a sudden, there's a bright light coming from a direction so I followed it.


The light stopped glowing all of a sudden and I met somebody.

He looked soo angelic and dreamy.

"Hello, I'm Jeonghan. I'll be escorting you to your afterlife." By saying that, he grabbed my hand and we went into a portal sort of thing.


"T-this place looks familiar!" I exclaimed as he let go of my hand and disappeared.

I looked all around and explored the place.

Yes!!! This is my neighbourhood!

Oh! That's my apartment.

Everything in this place is familiar except the people.

There isn't a single person I know.


So this is after life?

But it looks exactly like on Earth.....I mean when I was a living person.

Everything looks the same.

Will be able to meet Joshua and Seungcheol here?

I hope I do.


After roaming around for a while, I went back to the same river where I suicided.

"Y/Nieee! Why are you here!?!?! Don't tell me you died!" Seungcheol exclaimed as he was shocked to see me here.

"O-oppa?" I couldn't control my tears. I hugged him really tight.

"So.....how did you die?" He asked me after I calmed down a little bit.

"I jumped off the bridge and killed myself." I replied.

"OMG.....why?" He looked concerned.

"After you died and Joshua left me, I felt that there was no purpose of staying alive anymore. That's why I did that." I told him with a smile.

"Wanna meet Joshua?" He asked me with a smirk.

"O-of course I want to! Do you know where he is?" I asked him.

"Yes. After he came to his after life, we unexpectedly met and he recognized me. I couldn't recognize him as I never knew what he looked like. Since then, we've been hanging out together. He told me you both liked each other. He misses you a lot......." Seungcheol explained.


It's night time, the moon was shining bright.

I saw Joshua swinging all alone on a swing humming some sad songs.

"Missed me honey?" I said as I sat on the swing beside him.

"Y-Y/N!?!? What are you doing here? How did you come here???" He asked me as he looked surprised.

"What am I doing here? Idk. How did I come here? Because I died." I told him and he just lifted me up in the air and hugged me real tight.

"Did you know how much I missed you?" He asked with tears flowing out of his eyes non stop.

"I know, I know." I said while caressing him.

He put me down, looked into my eyes and kissed me softly.

"You're here with me Y/N!! We can now stay together forever!" He said looking really happy.

Yes Joshua....AT LAST, we can be together.......



Or is it really the end?

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