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School was over just now, so me and joshua were going to the murderer's lair.

He dosen't look okay today for some reason.....he's been dull and sad since morning.


We've arrived until halfway and I was pretty exhausted. Gosh....just how much more do we have to go!?!?

"Josh.....you've been down since morning....what's the reason?" I asked him as we sat on a bench.

"Well.....I guess....I don't want to leave you?" He said, looking at me with a sad smile.

"What do you mean? Why would you leave me?" I asked him.

"If you kill the murderer, then I'll have to go to my after life, which means I'll have to leave you." He said looking down.

Oh! Now I get it........How dumb of me......

"So....what do you want to do? I don't want to leave you either....." I said making him look at me.

"Let's not kill him then? But I can't stay hanging like this here forever....." He said.

"Hmm......Let's just go back home for now?" I said getting up, to which he agreed.


Me and Joshua were watching a movie and the time was 3 am......

Seungcheol still hasn't returned home?

He usually is home by this time.....

And if he's gonna be late, he would text me atleast......

"What's wrong?" Joshua asked me as he noticed I looked worried.

"Um.....Cheol oppa hasn't returned yet...."I replied in a worried tone.

"Yeah you're right....try calling him." He suggested.

I called him but he wasn't lifting the call.

I hope everything's fine......

"Let's go look for him?" I asked Joshua and he said ok.


We looked for him near the convenience store but he wasn't there.

Joshua and I parted ways and started looking for him.

I searched for him everywhere but there was no sign of him.

Please...please be safe wherever you are......


I gave up and sat on a bench in the park.

"Y/N! Y/N!!!" I heard Joshua calling me from afar.

"I found your brother! Come with me! Fast!" He said as he grabbed my hand and started running.



T-This Can't be!!!!!

Seungcheol was lying on the floor with blood all around him!

What in the world happened!?!?!

I immediately called the ambulance and we took him to the hospital.


"How did that happen to him???" I asked Joshua as tears couldn't stop flowing from my eyes.

"*sigh* When I was looking for him, I saw a person punching him and then stab him in his stomach. And to my surprise, it was the same person who killed me." He replied.


I can't take this anymore....

No matter what I am gonna kill that bastard!!!

"We're sorry......he couldn't make it....." The doctor said as he came out of the Emergency room.

"NO!! NO!!!!!" I screamed loudly.....

I don't know anymore......

I was crying like a mad person.


I'm gonna miss you oppa..........

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