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I and Wonwoo (with Joshua ofc) were in his car going to the murderer's place.

"Wonwoo.....you do know that I'm planning on killing the murderer right?" I asked him.

"Hm...yes...." He replied still looking unsure.

"But...let me just ask you one thing. Why are you soo keen on helping me?" I asked.

"*sigh* Your brother, Seungcheol.....he was a good friend of mine. You remember the time he lived with your grandmother in the village?" He asked me.


"That was the time we became friends. We used to be inseperable.....we were that close. I'm for sure not gonna leave the person who killed my best friend alive." He said as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

So oppa had a friend who was a police officer and I never knew? Great.......


"Stay alert. Don't move if anything seems suspicious." Wonwoo warned me as we headed into the murderer's house. 

He also gave me a gun even though I did not know how to use it.

Everything was a mess all around and there was a strong smell of alcohol coming.

Seems like a drunkard.

We moved more further and spotted a bearded fat man lying on a couch and smoking cigar.

There were beer bottles lying all around.

"What next?" I whispered into Wonwoo's ear.

"Look closely, there's a really big knife lying right beside him. If we shoot now, it'll make a big noise and we might attract unnecessary attention." He whispered back.

" So what do we do?" I asked him.

"Now that we know what his situation is and how he looks, let's come back here with a plan." He replied.

"So do we just go home now?" I asked.

"Yes of course."


Wonwoo dropped me and Joshua home.

I lied on my bed thinking of ways to kill him.

"Y/N, can we go to the terrace for a second? I want to talk." Joshua said looking all serious.


We were on the terrace and there was an awkward silence.

"So.....what did you want to talk about?" I broke the silence.

"Y/N.....we're soulmates." He said with a stern face.

"Yeah?" I was confused....what exactly is he tryna say?

"I know this is weird but.....I actually like you.....and it would be even more weird if I ask you to be my girlfriend but......I wish I was alive." I could sense the saddness in his voice.

Yes...I like him too....I wish he was my boyfriend...but if only he was alive......

"Josh......I-I love you too......." I told him and my cheeks were burning.

"You do?" He asked smiling....

"Yes.....But sadly we can't do anything about it...." I replied looking down.

"But we can do this." He said kissing me all of a sudden.

If people would watch us right now, it would look as if I'm kissing air.......

But.....I love him........

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