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I told my brother about the whole Joshua thing and surprisingly, he's encouraging me to kill the murderer and he said he'll do all he can to find out who the murderer is!

He can't see or hear Joshua......so he still isn't getting used to me randomly talking to somebody.

Joshua's been hanging with me and he literally comes to wherever I go.

It's been 2 weeks since he started living with me and I'd be lying if I tell you I don't like his company.

It feels good to have someone around you all the time. Even if nobody can see him or hear him, I can! That's what makes me special!


We've both come to a café right now.....he can't eat anything......

"Wait here for a min.....I'll go grab myself a drink!" I told him and went to the counter.

I took my mocha and came back to our seat, but he wasn't there!!

Where did he go???


I looked for him literally everywhere but there was sign of him.....

I sat on my bed thinking about what would've happened to him........

Did he leave me? Is he never gonna come back again?

Tears were rolling out of my eyes......

I don't know why but I miss him......


It's 1 am....I still can't sleep.

I kept thinking of Joshua.

"Y/N!!!" Joshua shouted from under my bed!?!?

"Omg Joshua!! Where the hell did you go?" I asked him wiping off my tears.

"Sorry for not informing you first! I spotted the person who murdered me so I ran behind him hoping to catch him but.....I can't catch him!!! I found out where his lair is. Tomorrow, let's go there and kill him!" He told me.

"Okay but.....what took you soo long?" I asked.

"Well.....I forgot the route back home....." He said looking all embarrassed.

"Aww~ It's fine Josh...." I said pinching his cheeks.

He was looking too cute at the moment.

"J-josh?" There was a red tint on his cheeks.

"Yeah! Can I call you Josh?" I asked him.

" Of course you can!" He said, pinching my cheeks this time.

I did not realize it but there was a red tint on my cheeks too....

And something was going on in my stomach too!

I've never felt this way before....

What is this feeling??

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