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Note: in case you did not see, the cover was made by @Samia_V


As the lady jumped into my arms I realized the time. The sun was setting over the city of Berlin quite quickly. Nobody else seemed to call for help near the wall so I dashed off. Making the trip home desperately. I walked through the cemetery, a quicker way to my house when I tripped over something.

My hands reached around for the object to see a necklace. It had a beautiful blue diamond inside of it. Luckily, it wasn't covered in mud. Whoever left it here will search tomorrow, it's a bit late to search now. I reckoned I'd help people find it. I got up off the slippery mud from the rain earlier and sprinted off.

I turned the corner to my house and unlocked the door, locking it behind me. My throat was dry as I called out. "Hello? Margo I'm home." I said, though it sounded more of a question. I turned to the living room to see nobody, then the kitchen. She wasn't there. My heart started thudding in my chest.

"Margo?" I yelled, more desperate this time. I had already slipped my shoes off and I rushed up the creaky stairs. Nobody was in the hallway. I looked in the bathroom and nobody was there. I used my back to open the door to my room. Margo laid in the bed.

"Margo!" I yelled. She had no reply, my voice dropped slightly, I jumped on her bed and crawled in front of her. "Margo??" I asked, I felt tears prick in my eyes as I said it. Suddenly, Margo rose and screamed Boo!

"HOLY SHIT!" I fell backwards off her bed and onto the cold tiles. Margo began laughing hysterically at me. "Bloody hell Margo, don't scare me like that." Margo rolled her eyes.

"You honestly thought I was dead? No! I was playing a trick on you." Margo grinned as she sat up in bed. I jumped on her bed and grinned evilly.

"The tickle monsters here to eat you!" I hissed and she screamed as I tickled her. She laughed hard and so did I. Margo then yawned.

"Alright you, bed." Margo frowned.

"But Astrid!" Margo whined. I shook my head.

"Margo. Sleep. I'll see you in the morning, alright? You can come to Berlin Wall with me." Margo perked up.

"I can?!" She yelled. I crossed my arms.

"If you sleep, it's late. Love you." I turned off the lights as Margo laid down her head on the pillow I cleaned for her.

"Night." She said and i shut the door. I walked to the bathroom and got ready, I decided to put the necklace on and do my teeth. I slipped in my room, shut the door and fell asleep.


When I woke up, a bright light was in my face, I couldn't see. It must've been Margo coming to awake me, but I felt stiff. "What the fuck.." I muttered. Suddenly, I heard a gasp.

"Mama! Papa!" A female voice yelled out and I heard doors slam open and shut. My eyes adjusted to the light and I sat up in bed. I was in a room I didn't recongize. The walls seemed plain and covered in beautiful portraits and I was in a bed I didn't know. There was many bandages on the table next to me. My brain started looping around as questions filled my brain.

The doors swung open as two girls came through. The girl on the left was tall, slender, and elegant. She had dark auburn hair, and wide-apart, light-brown eyes, that gave her a poetic far-away look. She wore a beautiful dress. The girl on the right had chestnut-blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a broad face, and an upturned nose. She was fair and tall and also wore a dress. They dressed alike but didn't look it.

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