◇ Author Note ◇

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◇ Hello! Hi! Bonjour! Hola! My dear readers! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

▪Very thankful of you to come here

✨Without any Further discussions let's see the rules! (。_。)

What is included:

 ▸Bottom Tom
▸ EddMatt (Matt is Top)
▸Bad Endings
▸ Headcannons maybe?
▸Your Ideas (needed  ╯︿╰)
▸Rape ( a little bit like kissing only)

 What is not included:

× TomTord
×Bottom Tord
×Fetishes, piss kinks, daddy kinks
×Full smut
×Full Rape


Which Ships are included:

1. TordTom

2. MattEdd


 ✨P E R S O N A L I T Y✨

◇ Edd: The mother of the house. Once he is angry then...You have summoned death. Loves drawing/ sketching/ art. Loves cola so dearly but not diet. Nightmare is diet cola. Height 5'4. Kind hearted. Loves for pets. Loves Matt very dearly even when he's so dumb.

◇ Matt: The dumbest but tallest of the house. Ginger. FACE FACE AND ONLY HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE. Mirrors, shopping, eating. Innocent bean. Vampire. Height 6'3

◇Tom: Alcoholic. Dumb baby, smol bean, smallest in the house. Likes Susan his bass and Tommee bear more than his own life. Void eyes or eyeless person? Flustered little guy. Feminine body. Fights a lot with Communist. Hates christmas, easter and whatever. Height 5'1.

◇ Tord: Hot, Handsome and what not f'ck? Likes Hentai, 18+ stuffs, dirty minded, Guns, Fights, Leader of Red Army. Hates Jehova's Witness. Verryyy Dirty. Height 6'2. Second tallest. From Norway. Adopted by Paul and Patryk. Spoiled brat (yea) Rich as f*ck again. Other than that- Kind and justtt perfect.


TordTom OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now