• Strange Test •

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Plot : Edd and Matt have  a test for their friend Tord. They lock him with some people. A boy friend of his (Not bf), an  enemy girl of his and an enemy boy. Welp, the enemy boy of Tord was one and only Tom. What happens if they are locked with chances with Tord?

Mention of Slight Smut, Sex
Not fully going into it

Kinks - Praise.

Trigger Warnings


Edd and Matt were being tired of Tord and Tom's regular fights. Basically screaming their guts out to eachother or killing one another. Throwing punches, giving challenges. Gosh. It was too much.

'Commie you stink' Tom said acting to be disgusted from Tord's scent. 

'Well not as much as you Jehovah, You barely take a shower' Tord said and sat on the couch opening his phone.

'Atleast I don't look the 18+ shit.' Tom said stucking out his tongue showing disgust.

Tord smirked. 'I watch them to get the best sex positions for my future lover'

Tom growled at the hearing of his lover. He was..
Jealous? Yeah, probably.

'Tord. I have a challnge for you to do, I and Matt planned it!' Edd chirped.

'What's the deal Edd, what are you trying to do. What is your motive.' Tord replied not takking his eyes off his smartphone.

'Just wait for it'

Store Room

'Hi Torddd!!' Tord was locked up in a dark room with his best boy, pal.

'Hey Kile, long time no see.'

'How would you? We were so far, I just came yesterday because of your friend Edd's deal.'

'From Norway to here- God thanks bro.'

'No problem dude, everyone miss you out there. You know that little girl, we used to tease'

'Emily? Yea, she was like my sister'

'She is studying in Oxford! Welp she has a boyfriend too'

'How wouldn't she? She looks good.'

'Bro even I have a girlfriend, when will you?'

Tord looked at his best friend from Norway. 

'Maybe few more months?'

'It's okay pal, you know, you were the hottest in our group. You dying single would not be a happy ending'

'Ah- Wtf bro, why would I die?'

'It feels good to talk to you, yeah your mother divorced the parasite. She is sorry for you and misses you.'

'Stop talkin' 'bout 'em. I love Narcissa too. I just need some time'

'You have got nice friends Tord.'


Day - 2
Store Room

'What the fuck, why I am here!!!' A girl screamed.

'Just relax Riley. It's a deal'

'Why would it has to be me? Or you?'

'Deal with it.'

'You are a fucking idiot.'

'I'd take that as a compliment'

Meet Riley, Tord's highschool crush. After he knew she hated him and has not interest in him, they became rivals.

Tord leaned against the door frame.

'So how's life?' He asked.

'Good, why'd you ask?'

'Who is your boyfriend?'

'Uhm Fred?'

Tord smiled.

'As long as you're happy.'

Riley sighed. She intersected their hands.

'I know you liked me Tord, but yea, I am just not made for you. I like and love someone else.'

Tord pushed away her hand.

'Well, time change, people change.'

'Do you wanna become friends?'

Tord huffed.

'What is this with these girls wanting to be friends forever, can't they decide between a boyfriend or no friend.'

'Nah, I am good'

Day 3 


'This is fucking lame' Tom screamed.

'Can you just shut the piece of your mouth.'

'No I may not.'

Tom started to bang the door and find the key.

'Silence would be appreciated.' Tord said leaning, and folding his arms.

'Ugh. You know what leave it.'

Some time later

Tom and Tord stared a t eachother, getting close.

'Hey Tord.'


'Why are you so damn hot?'

'Maybe cause you find me~'

'Yeah, maybe I do.'

Tord smirked.

Tom slowly wrapped his arms around Tord's neck. Tord slid his hands down Tom's waist.

'Can I kiss you?'

'I-I Can we do this?' Tom asked.

'If you want to.'

'I love you' Tom said.

' Jeg elseker deg too Thomas~'

'I thought.. this would make easy for us to kiss.'

'Tom, has anyone ever told you how mesmerizing are your eyes.'

'Yeah, you just now.'

'Ah baby shut up'

Tom blushed at the nickname. 

Tord smirked.

They both slowly leaned in. The kiss was heavenly. Soft lips and perfectly matching. Both enjoying the kiss. Passionate and lovely. Hate to love. 

The kiss got heated soon, as Tord rubbed his knee on Tom's crotch and Tom whimpered. Tord getting the chance slipped his tongue in his mouth. Tom moaned.

They parted away. Both panting.

'You have a praise kink, don't you?'

'What's that?'

Tord pinned Tom on the wall, examining his facial features, his body from up to down. Licking his lips.

'You like when someone praises you'

'Yeah I do, but no one praises me.'

'I will do, just obey my instructions and maybe you'll get what you want'

Tom blushed hard. He whimpered at Tord's dominance.

'Tord I-I am a Virgin and it's my f-first time.'

'So hot baby~ So good for me, I am glad I am your first. I'll go easy on you.'

With that Tord started to kiss his neck, earning moans from Tom. He suck and bit Tom. 

'Fuck Tom you're making me hard.'

Tord placed Tom on the bed ripping their clothes off. Tord undressed himself and got some lube.

'Prep or not?'

'What's that?'

'Ah baby, just tell me, do you want to be stretched out, or it will hurt a bit. Fingering?'

'Yeah, I'd like that.'

'Good boy, obeying so easily'

Tom moaned.

Tord took some lube and started fingering Tom, earning loud moans from him.

'Ah~ Tord~ M-More please~ I like it~'

'Just adding 1 more finger love'

'Mmm~ Tord~ Ah~ '

'I am gonna start thursting okay?'

'Do whatever you want Tord, I trust you.'

Tord smiled and give Tom a peck. He used a condom and some lube. Then inserted himself in Tom's ass.

'It hurts Tord~'

'Just a bit, you'll get used to it'

Tord started thrusting, he maintained a slow pace, giving Tom time to process things.

'Ah~ Tord~ Mmm~'

Slowly he picked up pace.


Tord obliged, thrusting faster and harder.

'Tord I have a weird feeling in my abdomen.'

'Are you gonna cum Tom?'

Tom cummed over the couch. Tord also came after that. he pulled out of him.

Both boys were panting crazily.

'I feel satisfied. Next time we are going to do it better.'

'Yeah sure'

Tord kissed Tom. Tom kissed back laying in his arms falling asleep.

'Good night min kjaerlight sweet dreams.'

'Good night Tord, I love you' 

'Love you too my darling'



Edd and Matt saw this throught the CCTV.

Their Reaction in Part 2! YAY

TordTom OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now