▪ Heat ▪

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[ Omega Version story ]
[ WTFuture]

TW: Small smut. Not farther then on neck. Curses.


[WTFuture Tom's Point of View]

I woke up panting slightly. Sweat dripping of me. Is it today? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!! Now Tord's gonna fuck me till I won't be able to walk! I hurried up and saw today's schedule. Jesus kill me already! Today is Tord's important meeting! Of which he was lecturing me for weeks!

Tom that
Tom those
Tom how perfect
Tom no mistakes
Tom so important

I clutched my bedsheets tightly. Tord has got up early for being ready. He said it's important for the base! Now I am going to ruin it!


                              🎵 Timeskip brought to you by Tom's Susan🎵

[Tord's Office]
[Meeting going on.]

Tord was sitting there with the black leader. Paul and Patryk were also there. Some girl soldiers were also there. Edd and Matt were also there. Tom was also there. He had no choice but to come as he was the secretary of the Red Leader after all. He glanced at Tord. Just by his sight he got hard. 

Oh how amazing it would be now to just let Tord fuck him.

 Touch him kiss him make him his. 

Tord's voice came.

 ' Tom please bring me that theories file.' He said and believe me or not, Tom started to sweat so hard. 

It was a bit nice that there was the Air Conditioner on or he would have been smelled by Tord right now.

He went and picked up the file and gave to Tord. Touching his skin with Tord's made him moan. Tom was so sensitive right now. Tord looked at him stunned. Everyone did the same.

'O-Oh a-ah you y-you k-know my b-back hurts from standing y-yeah?' Tom said hiding his moan with a complete lie. Everyone believed. Or that' s what Tom thought.

Tord eyed him suspiciously. He got up after few minutes.

 ' Thank you everyone for joining our great meetup, but as today I am feeling a bit tired and so do black leader, I postpone this meeting.' Tord said. 

'Oh how nice of you Red Leader. We are grateful for you to respect our views.' Black leader said and began leaving with his soldiers.

'Sir? Why did you-' Not now Pat I need to take care of something'. Tord said and glanced meaningfully at Tom. Tom gulped. 

Slowly after all left. Tord walked towards Tom. He pulled him towards himself and held his waist. Tom slowly wrapped his hands around Tord's neck. 

'Explaination Thomas?' Tord spoke up.

'I- I am s-sorry I just didn't want to disturb your meeting as it was so important-' Tom managed to say but Tord halfway kissed him passionately. Tom melted in the kiss moaning slightly.

'Oh baby you never did~' Tord spoke as he kissed him again. Tord deepened the kiss lifting Tom's legs up. He bit Tom's bottom lip asking for entrance for which Tom granted. Tord explored Tom's mouth as he won the dominance. They both pulled away panting.

'Fuck me Tord please, I want you so bad right now' Tom said for which Tord growled. 

'Be patient' He said and sucked on Tom's neck on the sweet spot. Tom gently pulled Tord's hair only to be kissed and bitten again. Tord chuckled lightly. 

'I am gonna fuck you so hard' He said and continued.
Tom shivered. It made him so hard.

After them (as I said no full smut guys)

Tom and Tord laid on the bed slowly cuddling and falling asleep. Tord spooned the little boy in his hands. 'I love my heats' Tom said. 'Hmm, why may I ask?' Tord said still spooning him. Tom turned to face him. 'Cause they make you to rest with me, after the shit of works you do in that damn office.' Tord chuckled lightly.

'Jeg elseker deg min kjaerlight' (I love you my love)

'I love you too' Tom said and slept off.

'Tord?' Tom said again.

'Hmm?' Tord asked groaning. He was half asleep.

'Do you love me?' Tom asked.

'Tom I am gonna rip you into pieces.' You know that! Tord said cuddling close to him.

After 5 minutes. 'Tooord' Tom said.

'What baabyy?' Tord said annoyed and irritated.

'I can't sleep' Tom said.

Tord cuddled him close and intersected their legs. Tom became sleepy too.

'Tord *yawns*' Tom asked one final time.

'Yeah *yawns* Tommy?' He replied.

'I love you forever' Tom said.

'I love you too, but more than you' Tord replied and both smiling before finally sleeping into a peaceful deep slumber.


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