Never Mess with Tom

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Lol RIP my writing skills.

Tom's POV

I went up to Edd, cause I was bored and my boyfriend had gone to the market. I was very furious at him cause how could he leave me alone. But soon I shrugged it off and went to Edd as he was writing a poem.

"Oh hey Edd, when did ya start writing poems?" I spoke looking down at his work.

"I never did, you and Tord forced me to take out my triggers in the writing form." Edd said passing me the copy.

WTF, I and Tord lived so happily. How could we? Bruh Edd's stupid by the way.

"Never mess with Tom? What the Fuck title is that" I asked him confused as shit. 

"Read to find out" Edd's cheerful voice came as he left me to read the 'work' by myself.

Never Mess with Tom

Tom was a soft yet, cheerful person.
He was gay and he had someone.
His name was Tord, he liked his guns
He'd kill anyone, who messed with his boyfriend.

One day Tom came, silent.
He took a quick glance, at his boyfriend.
He tried to hide the scars, he got from someone.
Till Tord spoke, "Hey Honey, are you done?"

Tom was afraid for that person.
Who didn't think twice before, hurting him
"Min Kjaerlight" Tord said, "Are you hurt?"
"Better give me the address of that someone"

Tord kissed Tom lightly, staring at him.
"I'd kill that person, who ruined your shin"
Tom knew Tord was over protective.
Tom knew Tord wasn't being dramatic.

So Tom pecked Tord's lips, giving him his weapon.
Which Tord gladly returned, taking his gun.
Then he turned around again, and said.
"Never mess with Tom, or face me ahead" 

I stopped amazed by the creation. I was astonished by the reality hidden in that.

"Hey babe, I'm home!" Tord's voice came. I got up and looked at him clearly.

"Tord, why's the blood?" I spoke up to him, who just smirked.

"Oh you remember the bartender who slapped you that day, so uhh yeah.." Tord placed the grocery bags and embraced me in his arms.

"Uh guess Edd was right" I mumbled burying my face in Tord's warm chest.


TordTom OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now