◇ I Love You ◇

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After the End
Tord comes back for Revenge
Classic AU

TW: Crying, sudden kissing, depression, cutting


Tom's Point of View

There was blood everywhere. There was tension in the air. There were sobbing and sniffling sounds. That evening...wasn't like any other. 

Our so called friend betrayed us.

But he I saved Edd and Matt, I put Tord out of my life. But something is still missing.

He is still missing.

I cried curled up. I remembered every little part of 'The End' incident. I shotted up Tord. I killed him.

I killed him.

I killed the man I love.

Do I still love him? Yes I do. But nothing can be done now. He's dead. I killed him. God I feel so disgusted of myself. 

And so does Edd.

And so does Matt.

And so does Tord.

And so do I.

And so does everyone.

I shotted up panting heavily. That nightmare keeps haunting me. I curled up in a ball and cried out. 


'Why did Tord leave me?'

I said and rose up. I went to the bathroom. My mental and physical, both strength is not very good now. The first day was nice. But not after that. I feel regret. That's why I do this.

I cut. It makes me feel what I deserve.

The blood started bleeding. I chuckled lightly. Tears still running. 

'Where are you Tord?'

'I just wish you come back'

'And when you will, I promise I will never let you leave again'

'And I will confess' 

'Even if it is a no. I will die before confessing'

After few weeks

No one's point of View

Everyone sat on the dining table eating silently. The only one talking was Matt. He also quite shut up look at us. Edd sighed and smiled. 

'Guess who's coming to meet us?' Edd said weakily.

None of us responded. Until the bell rang. Edd shot up, he smiled for the first actual.

That smile was real and by heart. I missed this smile of Edd. He cheerfully went up to the door. 

'Just like old times'

My heart skipped a beat. That's Tord's line. Wait. R-Really?!




I stood up quickly. I saw him. After like years I saw him. He's still so handsome, hot, amazing. 

'I am so gladddd you are back Tord!' Edd said hugging Tord.

'Yeah and I am sorry about that-'

'It's okay, we have missed you right Tom?' Edd said looking at me. That's when Tord looked at me too. My heart melted. He still had those silver eyes. His wound on face has been healed. He looked at me and smiled.

'You You...'

I couldn't handle it anymore. I am going to create a drama. But I do not care. I ran toward him. I hugged him tight. So tight that Tord had to tell me to go easy. I didn't want to let him go. I just can't. What if he disappears again?

'Uh.. Tom is there something wrong?' He asked quite confused as well. 

'DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT DID YOU DO! YOU LEFT ME! How could you! J-Just h-how! I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF I DIE! BUT I LOVE YOU! AND I WANNA HEAR t-these t-three w-words from y-you b-before I-I d-die!'

A nd before any glares. I kissed him. I let my butterflies go away. I let myself relax and enjoy every single second. I hoped Tord would pull away quickly. But he slid his hands onto my waist and pushed my head to make the kiss deeper. I let the tiredness creep into me and I pulled away resting on his chest closing my eyes.

Now I will finally sleep nice.

What a welcoming. Tord said.

'Welp my plans have been changed now' Tord thought as he blushed.

TordTom OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now