Oh Thanks for tagging!

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Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well, reading writing, drinking, eating and enjoying. Sorry if you are going through some things but hey I got tagged! By uh- Anonymous, I don't want to reveal their name or something! But yeah let's get into it.

Sorry, my story isn't accepting images so lemme just write up these questions lol.


1. What is your real name?

I- uhh, Okay uhhmmm My name is actually is Caroline.

2. What is your age in present.

My age is between 14-18 Years. 

3. Do you have any crush?

Yeah I do have. He doesn't notices me and I feel so baddd. My love life is complicated lol.

4. Favourite app/apps

Wattpad, Youtube and Spotify

5. Eye Colour


6. Biggest Fear

I have some phobias, like insects phobia, heights phobia, and closed spaces phobia. My biggest fear isn't this btw. My biggest fear is losing my one supportive best sis and family and friends.

7. Favourite Music Singers

Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, The Weeknd. Selena Gomez

8. Favourite Songs (2)

Back to December - Taylor Swift
Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo

9. Last song I listened today.

Right where you left me by Taylor Swift.

10. Last person I texted

My favourite sis ( call her Michelle )


Thank youu! Anyone can tag me again if you wanna! I would love to be tagged!


Author Out

TordTom OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now