Hanahaki Disease

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Enjoy a shitty shot oneshot! I  am not good at writing but you guys are amazing! You have provided me with so much love that I want to thank you!

Tom's POV

I watched emotionlessly as Tord kissed the top of his girfriend's nose, as petals started to come up in my neck. I coughed as I rushed to the bathroom and bled out petals and blood. Yep I loved the devil. Why don't confess already? I can't.

Why don't get a surgery? I can't. People will be like, 'oh please, I'd rather save my life than forgetting my love for rest of my life. ' And believe me, that's a wise decision. But I can't. People who have fallen in love will be able to understand, love. 

People make fun of love. It's because they haven't been in that phase. They don't realise how your hearts beats hell so fast that you might get a heart attack. Your knees get weak when you see your secret crush. And one sided love? That fucking hurts the most.

Tord likes his girfriend Astoria, not me. Edd knows about this and he feels sad. He also gets furious, I didn't use angry here, he gets furious whenever Tord jokes with me or argues with me.

My condition is too worst now. I am in my stage 3, nearly have 4-5 weeks left to live. I am trying to make the best out of it. But I am not able to do that. Tord hates me because Edd takes my side. Tord hates me and I know he will never return his love for me.

As Tom was curled up and leaned against the wall of his room, he heard a click and his door opened.

"Jehova, are you umm okay?"

"Does it even matter?"

"No it doesn't. Who am I asking anyway. Edd is telling me to check on you because he's going on a date with Matt. Classic." Tord said as he entered my room and sat on my bed.

"Oh okay." I replied straightly.

"Why have you became like this?" I further continued.

"Like what?"

"Nevermind, just leave it." I spoke and brushed it off. Few more days and I will rest in peace finally. 

"Are you really okay?" Tord asked a bit of concern lacing his voice.

"Are you concerned?" I spoke snarkly.

"Tom. Answer my question" Tord spoke as I stood up.

"Yeah I am Tord Larsson now leave me alone." I spoke and Tord could swear he felt himself blush by the pronounciation of his name.

Tord stood up and pinned me against the wall. I was stunned, as he blushed madly. I felt petals coming up my neck, I tried to swallow, but I couldn't.

"Tord. Just,Fucking,Leave.Me.Alone!" I spoke.

"No.I.won't" Tord spoke looking at Tom.

"Why don't you go to that bitchy girlfriend of yours?! Whya re you here with me?" I accidently snapped.


"No Tord! All this is because of you! Because of you I have hanahaki and all I know that you are never going to return those feelings! All you do all day is Astoria's smile, Astoria's face! Astoria's hair-"

"Why don't you see it when I am near you!" Tord shouted back. I shutted up. What?

"I love your hair, your eyes, your smile, your body, your laugh, and everything. I can't just let you go Thomas!"

I coughed up and hissed in pain as some petals fell out.

"Can I end upp your pain?" Tord spoke.

"What are you talking about-" Tom was cut off with a sweet and passionate kiss. The kiss he longed to take as he embraced Tord by his neck and Tord wrapped his hands around Tom's waist. They broke apart as Tord smiled.


"Yes. I love you too Min kjaerlight. I always have." Tord spoke and I dunked my head in his chest. Tears welling up my eyes as I finally felt I hadn't to die now. And the best-

My lover loved me.


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