| 2 | The driver

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⚠️TW!! SA⚠️

Bakugou pov:
If there's a prize for rotten judgement.
I guess I've already won it.
Kirishima seemed to be getting all lovey-dovey until we were alone. It's like I wasn't even there!
It feels so good when you start out in a relationship, but now hes paying more attention to the goddamn tv like we aren't alone together??
Come on!?
God damn it, stupid man.
"Shitty hair"
All I got in response was a crunch from some popcorn in return.
"You bastard answer!"
I heard a sound affect, like a stabbing noise coming from the TV. Obviously a horror film huh?
I walked over next to Kirishima who was sitting down on the couch like a lazy fucker.
There was a woman dead on the TV, how basic.
He yapped, pulling me down.
Now this is more like it!
Then he proceeded to cuddle me as if he wanted something from me.
"Can I pleaseeee go hang out with the boyssss?"
I knew it!
Sick fuck!! DAMN IT!
"I thought I was gonna spend the night"
I snap back, masking my disappointment.
"Yeah but Denki and Sero invited me over! pleaseeee"
I growl underneath my breath and stand up, pushing myself away from him grasp.
He looks so hopeful..
No! I won't give in.
Damn it, we're moving into our dorms tomorrow!
Can't he hangout with Denki then?!
I'm the one he should be making time for, not the one being blown off!
"No chance! No way"
I snap back
"You said you'd make time for me!"
I growl at him.
"And I will babe! Just this once, PLEASEEEE"
The scene I had in mind won't play.
And it's never going to.
I just want someone to sleep with at night!
(Not inappropriately o_o)
It's so annoying how he's cancelling our plans.
"Just go then"
I mumble.
"YES!! Thanks babe I love you sooo much, i promise I'll save you some popcorn!"
He chants.
Grabbing the popcorn bucket and rushing out the door.
Not even a kiss?
He was literally fucking eating my face infront of Icyhot and shitty Pinkie yesterday, and now he can't give me a small kiss?
I huff and try to forget about him, which, if you ask me, is pretty hard to do when you're sleeping in his room in his bed. It smells like him too!
I hear footsteps come up the stairs.
Hopeful that's its Kirishima, that he came back.
The door knob opens and I sit up.
It's his mum
"Hey Katsuki honey.."
She walked in and sat down next to me.
Her layered black hair coving her face from me, she stroked her hair behind her ear and faced me.
"I'm sorry about Eijiro leaving"
She looks worried.
"What's wrong?"
I ask, taking interest.
She looks up and takes a deep breath.
"Do you still wanna date him?"
She asks, hopeful.
"Yeah? Why tf wouldn't I"
I answer, being confused myself.
She lets out a sigh and smiles.
"I just thought you might be pissed since he kinda blew you off"
She says, suddenly finding her lap very interesting.
"Listen, Ejirou means a damn lot to me. I'm not breaking up with him because he blew me off once"

It wasn't just once
It happened

"Can I hangout with Denki?"

"Denki invited me over! Can I go"

"Seros holding a sleepover! Can I leave?"

"Can I go to Minas party!"

"I got to go! The boys are going to see a movie"


God damn it!!
Me and his mum end up having a sleepover because he left me and she insisted I stay.
Atleast she is in the right mind.

| next day |

We are moving into dorms today, my phone is blowing up with notifications. I thank Mrs Kirishima and leave the house. On my way to school I feel a tap on my back. I flinch rapidly by accident. When I'm not in school I don't expect anyone to tap me.
What if it's a villain? Like Dabi
Or the sludge villian came back? But he can't tap??
What if-
"Bakugou? Are you alright"
It's that mother fucking icy hot. OF COURSE ITS HIM!!
"I'm fine half and half!! Leave me alone."
I walk away from him.
"Bakugou wait!"
He grabs my shoulder firmly and spins his head around to see if anyone can see us.
"The hells wrong with you?!"
I snap at him, pushing him off of me.
"I didn't come to walk with you to school-"
"Good. So leave me alone"
I'm about to walk away before he speaks up again.
"I just saw a car sort of following you, I wanted to notify you!"
He blurts out.
Yeah right?
"Icyhot. FUCK OFF!! No ones fucking following me you intolerant shit! Stop being a pussy. go die"
I turn around and walk ahead.
Todoroki sighs and walks in a different direction.
Still paranoid.
'What was that all about?'
I think, turning a corner, suddenly I spot someone watching me out of a car window. It's a man, near Aizawas age. He has crappy sunglasses on as if that's gonna stop me from noticing him being creepy as hell. He starts to drive next to me, real slow.
He said
"You go to UA? I can give ya a lift sweetie"
He doesn't think I'm that fucking dumb, does he?
He smirks at me, I scowl in return.
"No, fuck off"
I asserted.
I was about to walk away before
"Your a feisty one? I like em fierce"
He shared.
"Well I'm sorry but I'm not into creepy, stalkerish old men who follow teenagers around in their cars and then try to do god knows what to them. Plus I'm taken, so lay off buddy."
I cursed.
"Dont be so shy"
He winks at me.
I glared at him. I was already late for school so I was about to leave before this man opens the car door and steps out. He opens the back door of the car and signals for me to get in.
It's gloomy out now, it's raining a bit and the streets were clear. Everyone was either in work or school. There was no one outside at all.
But him and me.
"Come on in sweetheart"
I walk away, for real this time. If I'm too late for school then I'll get a detention and mum will kill me.
He grabs my arm.
"What the hell are you doing! Get off"
I warned.
"Stop being so stubborn."
He snaps, trying to pull me with him.
I yank my arm away and belt it. I run, I don't know where. I just ran. Not to UA, Not to my house. I ran away from him. That's all that mattered.
Until I turn around for a split second and see him chasing me. My heart rate quickens as the rain gets heavier. We are both soaked and I'm worried I'm going to slip and fall and hurt myself. I hope that creepy mother fucker slips on the rain instead of me.
I feel so much pressure right now, looking back at the guys car it's still open, indicating that when he catches me- NO! If he catches me, which he won't!! Then he'll attempt to stuff me in the backseat of the car to take me to god knows where. I hope it's not some ugly ass place atleast.
I'm tired already, he's still chasing behind me fast so I can't slow down, not even for a second! Every moment I waste is a moment I could be getting kidnapped. Shit!! I should've listened to damn icyhot. "Stop running"
I hear him say, he's close.
Way closer then I thought he was.
He's not panting like I am, in fact, he sounds like he's barely out of breath.
I'm gonna lose.
I'm not even allowed to use my quirk since I haven't got my stupid hero license yet. I whip out my phone and attempt to text Kirishima. I know he's probably in class, but he should come get me? Right?
I sprint a bit farther, passing another turn and gasping for air.
My legs feel like they're going to give out, I think I'm also tiring out because I can barley breathe considering the huge knot I can feel in my stomach is getting tighter. Flames crawl up my body and I start to sweat.
Not being able to use your quirk is shit.
Who the hell made up that rule!!
Dangerous my ass.
They're always like
"If your ever in a situation, don't use your quirk, not only is it dangerous for both of you, but the pro hero's can handle it a lot better!"
There's supposed to be pro hero's everywhere!! Where the hell are they?!
I send the text to Kirishima, finally.
I hide down an alleyway. Desperate for a break. I try to pant as quiet as possible as I hear him enter.

Kirishima pov:

Everyone is staring at me.
"Sorry! My phone should be on silent, my bad"
I check the message.

Coene help ne ima wt (come help me I'm at)
*Bakubabe shared location*

What's that supposed to mean babe?

Why did he share his location with me. And what does coene mean?
"Kirishima put your phone away now!"
"Sorry Sensei"
I put my phone away and carry on with my work.
Almost completely forgetting whatever he texted.

Todoroki pov:
Where is Bakugou??
He's never late. Did the car do something?? Is Bakugou alright?
I'm feeling alot of stupid emotions right now.
I want him to be ok.
Please be ok.

Bakugou pov:
I'm running again, Shitty hairs answer caused my phone to ping and he heard it.
Atleast I got some breath back.
I check my phone once again.
one new notification

Shitty hair:
What does that mean?

You've got to be kidding me!!
And he's gone offline??
I'm dead.
I quickly look around to find another hiding spot until he grabs my hand.
He pushes me down.
My scream got muffled by his hand.
I bite it hard and scramble to my feet.
I get pulled down again and I frantically grab my phone. I was able to share my location with one person. I didn't even see who it was.

Deku pov:

Sitting in class was weird.
Kacchan wasn't there for the first time. I begin to worry, maybe he's sick? Oh dear!
Poor Kacchan!!
My face goes bright red!!
"Can everyone please make sure their phones are on silent!" Sensei bellows at us all. Everyone whips out their phones including me.

*Kacchan shared location*

I panic.
"Mr Aizawa!! Kacchan shared his location with me!! Whichprobablymeanshesintroubleseeingashesnothereinclassmaybeonthewayhereheincounteredavillain???"
"Midoriya share his location with me, I'll be back."

"I know what happened"
Todoroki-kun blurted, feeling ashamed for not doing much.
"I saw him on the way to school, some car was following him so I told him, he told me to F off so I did. I think the car might've hurt him or something"
Todoroki stated.
Mina looks worried as heck!!
"Bakugous in trouble?? Isn't this like the third time he's been a villains target! Oh jeez"
She started to panic.
"I'll be right back with Bakugou, stay calm."
Aizawa rushed out with his scarf in action.

"You heard Aizawa, everyone stop panicking, Bakugou will be back in a second."
Iida consoled us.

Bakugou pov:

He's holding me down by my wrists, I'm terrified.
I'm a UA student for gods sake! I'm gonna put up a fight! I don't care.
I kick him and struggle, doing anything I can to stop him from getting near my face.
He just holds my legs down with his own, he removes his hand from my mouth and leans in.
I thrash my head about, not willing to give in to this sicko.
Fear stabs into me like a thousand blades as our lips clash into each other's. I yank my head away, but there's no where for it to go. Giving up is not a fucking option.
Suddenly I feel him retreating.
"I love it when I hear you breathing.."
I turn my head away just then his body gets pulled off of mine. I'm free to move.
He yelps as he gets shoved to the ground.
It's Aizawa.
Thank fuck.

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