| 15 | I'm onto you

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Bakugou pov:

I fell asleep again, once I wake up I'm greeted by shitty hairs face smiling at me.
He looks creepy not gonna lie.
I want to punch something.
"Hi love"
He blushed.
I squint at him.
He's a bit blurry.
I rub my eyes and sit up.
My head is covered with a bandage and I notice the empty soup bowl had been taken.
I say back.
"So uh how's your head? Do you remember anything..?"
He inquired.
"No, recovery girl said there was some villain and you brought me here"
He smirks at my answer.
I'm confused?
"You were in pretty bad shape, I called for help and immediately brought you here"
We lock eyes.
I get a weird feeling for him.
Like his eyes are staring into my soul.
It's fucking creepy..
He probably wants a thanks.
"Thanks I guess"
I look down and pick at one of my nails.
"So you forgive me??"
He looks like he's been waiting for this moment.
I really want more soup.
"I'll forgive you if you get me more soup"
I blackmailed.
He looks confused but leaves.
I sit and wait for my soup.
Until the door opens again.
"Bakugou! *ribbit*"
"Hey bakubro! How ya feeling"
"Bakugou, you alright man?"
"SHUT UP!! You're giving me a headache"
I place my head back down on the pillow.
Pink cheeks responds, coming over.
"how are you feeling??"
She whispers.
"God damn it I'm fine!"
I curse at her.
"I heard you lost some memory, do you know who I am??"
Deku frantically questions.
"The last thing I remember is sitting in class"
Then Shitty hair walks in with my soup. He hears what I say and looks confused.
"You don't remember us going into the bathroom?"
"No? Why were we in there?"
I ask.
"Just to talk.. but then I saved you!"
He smiles wider.
I look at him confused.
"I've saved you twice now darling!"
He pecks me on my lips and places the soup into my hands.
I grab the spoon and smile.
"Thanks, you're forgiven"
I'm about to take a mouthful of soup before Icyhot stops me.
He looks heavily suspicious.
"Wait, how do we know that's not poisoned?"
He looks at Kirishima like he knows something I don't.
"What!! Why would I poison my boyfriend??"
He snaps at Half n half.
"I wanna talk to Bakugou for a second, can everyone go out.. just for a short second"
He persuades them to go.
Kirishima doesn't budge though.
"You too please"
Icyhot is standing still with no emotion as per usual.
"How do I know you won't try something??"
Kirishima shoots a glare back.
"I won't let him, now fuck off"
I assert.
He sighs and kisses me before leaving.
I look at Icyhot.
While raising a spoonful of soup to my lips I say,
"So what do you want asshole"
I put the spoon in my mouth.
"Did Kirishima do something? You can tell me"
I think he's lost his mind.
"Eh?? What do you mean"
I put the empty spoon back into the bowl.
"I know he's probably holding you against your will to fake memory loss"
I giggle at that.
"HA!! You think Shitty hair did this!"
I point at my bandaged head while he nods.
"Yes, you both went out at the same time and-"
"He saved me? It's called a coincidence"

Todoroki pov:

I think it's heavily suspicious how Kirishima 'saved' Bakugou, they could've stayed in class. What did he want to talk about that was so important.
And coincidentally Bakugou has memory loss.
I'm very worried about him.
He's one of my classmates and my friend.
I'm desperate to be a close friend of his, to get him to finally want to spend time with me.
He never asks, it's always me asking if he wants to hangout or watch a movie.
I don't know how I'm going to prove that Kirishima could've done it. He's a hero in training so it's sort of unbelievable.
I am worried for Bakugou.
Kirishima doesn't seem to be the best boyfriend, I would be the best boyfriend for him.


At it again with the jealousy thing.
This isn't about me though!! Somehow I'm going to have to find a way for Bakugou to remember what happened in the bathroom.
Maybe I can ask Hatsume if she can make something.
The pro hero's said it was almost impossible to get his memory back, it's supposed to come back on its own if he wasn't hit that hard.
Though it looks like he was hit pretty hard.
I want to help him.. I don't know how.
I have no proof that Kirishima did it.
And quite frankly it could've been a villain.
I think I'm being biased considering we both aren't on the best terms at this moment.
I still want him to come to some sort of justice.
Maybe I can talk to one of the people who answered his cries for help.
Even if it's not Kirishima, I want the person who did this to get justice.
I won't stop until the person that hurt Bakugou is locked up behind bars!

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