| 16 | Nightmare

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Aizawa pov:

My student Katsuki Bakugou was assaulted multiple times in this week.
It's very concerning at the least.
I have talked to the pro hero's about this and they assume it's because he's very powerful, making villains feel threatened and want to take him out.
I don't understand why a villain would cover their face unless it was a student.
I wish Bakugou still had his memory but I think Kirishima gave us pretty good information.
I don't know anything about a sleepover, apparently Bakugou was mad at him for something he did but everyone goes silent when I ask what.
Probably some teenage drama or something.
It's not really my business to be involved unless it's something that will affect the lives of all my students.
What I don't get is, if Kurogiri used his quirk to help this person escape, it should've set off some sort of alarm. It's confusing.
I hate when we have to do stupid riddle-things.

Todoroki pov:

Bakugou seemed fine the rest of the day, he was let out of recovery girls office after the last lesson.
They let him stay in our room and told me to stay with him to make sure nothing else happens to him.
I desperately want to know what happened!
I need to be patient for Bakugou.
We are sitting on our bed watching comedy films from the 2000.
We choose to watch 'John tucker must die'.
It was very entertaining and I caught Bakugou giggling at one point.

Kirishima pov:

Bakugou is fine now and forgives me! Now this whole thing can blow over.
I decide I don't need to worry about him anymore considering he forgives me. I've given him a load of attention and he should be grateful.

Bakugou pov:

Me and Icyhot watched a movie again, it was funny as fuck.
I don't like laughing infront of people.
That shows I'm vulnerable.
I kept a scowl on when he looked at me, but for the most part I was laughing.
"Hey Icyhot?"
"Do you wanna go like..somewhere"
I ask.
It's fucking annoying how I asked but I do like hanging out with him a lot.
"Yes I would like that very much thank you for the offer"
He smiles at me.
I don't think I've ever seen him properly smile at me before. It's cute.
I mentally slap myself for thinking such a thought.
I suddenly realise how much nicer he is then Kirishima. I know it's not ideal to be thinking this but it just feels weird.
Kirishima makes everything a competition.
At first it was fun! Like always a challenge..
But he started to make love a challenge, he tried to go too far and didn't make enough time for me.
I'm sort of an attention seeker.
However Todoroki just sort of has time for me.
Todoroki spends time with me.
Todoroki wants to be my friend.
I just think it's nice how he can make me feel better at any time.
He didn't shout at me like Kirishima did.
In fact he took my feelings into account and was patient and passionate with me.
I've known him as long as I've known Shitty hair for.
I guess I never really noticed.
I suddenly remember Denki.
I totally set them up huh?
"What's going on with you and Denki..?"
I inquire.
"Nothing, we don't really have anything in common at all, remember he's a party animal"
"What happened on the picnic?"
He faces me and smiles.
"We sat in silence until I brought you up, we talked about how strong and articulate you are"
I gasp at that.
I was the topic??
My hands flair at him.
"Well you never asked"
He responds blankly.
"ugh! So there's nothing going on between you guys?"
He looks back at the TV.
"He's not my type"
I smirk at that, looking at the TV as well.
It feels relaxing to know he's single.
I know it shouldn't feel like that but it does.
We finally go to sleep and we say good night.
I'm under the covers and fall asleep quickly.

I walk into a bathroom?
With Kirishima, he's being awkward.
"Do you forgive me?"
I say no.
It's like I can't control what I do.
I try to talk but it doesn't work.
"I know you'll know this is for the best"
He goes into the out of order stall.
My hands are suddenly locked.
Im breathing really heavily now.
Im Stuck and watch him pull out a bat.
It's fucking huge.
He looks at me with crazy eyes.
His eyes are so wide and his smile reaches his cheeks, his pointy teeth have blood on them.
It's terrifying.
He swings the bat and Im begging him for mercy.

My eyes shoot open.
Im crying?
My heart is beating so much.
I can't fucking breathe!!

Todoroki pov:

I try to get to sleep, I can't considering Bakugou is constantly breathing very loud.
I begin to get worried when I hear crying.
He's obviously trying to be quiet.
I sit up in the dark.
I speak, turning on a small lamp.
I climb up onto his bed.
I can see he is crying.
I wonder why?
"Are you ok?"
I sit next to him and he looks like he's just seen a ghost.
"Just a fucking nightmare.. don't call me a fucking baby or anything!!"
He hisses at me.
"Why would I do that? Nightmares are normal"
I try to cheer him up.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
He nods and I come closer.
He sniffles and rests his head on my shoulder.
I get butterflies but I can't comprehend this now.
"S-so me and K-K-Ki..irishima where in t-the bathroom.."
He starts to breathe fast again.
I put my arm around him, providing him with comfort.
"And t-t-then he grabs a b-b...bat and, and he has a f-fucking creepy face on and h-h-hits me with it!"
He sobs into my chest and I hug him.
"It sounds so f..fucking wimpy when I-I say it"
He mumbles.
"I understand, try not to think about it"
I say, hugging him tight.
It feels so nice to hug him.
I've been wanting to do this for ages.
Hold on..?
Did he say bathroom? And...bat?

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