| 27 | Freedom

670 22 7

Kirishima pov:

I don't know how to make food, even if I follow a recipe it ends up burned or undercooked.
I get Toga to help me, she's good at this.
She usually makes blood pancakes so I said it's like making them but without the blood.
She agrees and helps me make them without blood.
"I don't get why you don't want the blood? It's the best part!!"
She says, while mixing the pancake batter.
"Maybe to you"
I chuckle.
I sit down and wait for her to finish.
"Mm!! These smell good"
She giggles.
"Good job! Thanks Toga"
I walk over once she plates them.
She gets a bottle of blood and drizzles it over her pancakes.
I have Bakugous on one plate and mine on the other.
They're perfectly cooked!
"Thanks again Toga!"
I beam at her and she nods with her mouth full and puts a thumbs up.
There's blood leaking out her mouth a bit.
I walk back into the room.
Bakugous laying there helplessly.
"Hey babe"
I place the pancakes in his hands.
He looks down at them.
"Not hungry"
I sigh.
"You still need to eat"
I sit down on the wooden chair next to him.
"Don't wanna"
He looks away.
His hands don't let go of the plate, he doesn't want it touching his lap and irritating his thighs.
I growl under my breath.
Why won't he just eat them?

Bakugou pov:

I don't trust Kirishimas pancakes one bit.
He's never been a good cook anyway.
He really wants me to eat them.
Maybe this is my chance?
I can play a different role right now.
"Don't wanna"
I say one last time, looking away.
He growls and I hear it.
He immediately looks up.
I've gotta get him hooked.
"You feed me"
I hand him the plate.
This is so stupid.
And embarrassing.
I don't really want to eat them at all.
But if I say something including him he'll get all swoony and shit.
He's always been like that.
He clears his throat then grabs the plate.
I cross my arms.
He cuts it and gets a bit on a fork.
It's way too small the fuck.
"Here you go!"
He smiles and I open my mouth slightly.
He feeds me and it honestly tastes good.
Too bad he's the last person I want feeding me.
I'm not a damn child.
I want to shove that fork down his throat.
But the plan..
Damn it!!
I play along for some time more.
Just praying the pancakes weren't poisoned.
Luckily they weren't.
The rest of the day was fine.
It was mostly me trying to stand up and him being gone for the most.
I managed to touch the area without it fully stinging.
I think he burned my nerves off holy crap.
What is even real at this point.
I keep on thinking about Todoroki.
I miss that asshole so fucking much.
I remember once when we weren't friends yet they were trying to figure out my hero name.
Deku asked and I told him to shut the fuck up.
And for some reason he asked 'what about me?'
To me that sounded like 'what about me? your best buddy ' like he really thought he was higher then Deku.
Well now he is.
Deku is at the very bottom of my scale.
I hate him so much.
Icyhot was down there.
But Todoroki is up here.
I miss him so fucking much.
I also miss my idiots.
The bakusquad.
It's not gonna feel the same without Shitty hair.
But we'll have to get used to it.
It's not that hard..
Just one less person.

(Next week)

My thighs feel better.
Like this morning I actually stood up.
I train my legs all today.
When I hear Kirishima coming I quickly sit back down.
He doesn't know I'm better.
He left the door open again.
He trusts me a lot now.
I even kiss him out of my own will.
Well not really.
It's all part of the plan.
I need to get out of here.
I miss Todorokis voice..
I haven't seen outside in ages.
The extras probably think I'm dead.
"Hey babe"
I say when he comes in.
"Hey love! You feel better yet?"
He says, crouching down to redo the bandage.
"No I still can't walk I tried before"
I sigh and slouch further into the seat.
"I'm sure you'll be better next week"
He smiles.
The next week my legs are great.
I can walk at this point!!
Fuck yes.
And he had no idea.
I still have hand marks on my legs.
I need to get someone with a quirk to like get the fuck rid of them.
I don't want a constant reminder of what he did.
He comes in and kisses me again.
He smiles.
I shake my head.
I'm scared he'll get suspicious.
"Let me help you"
I pale.
I need to act as if I can't do it.
He grabs my hand and rises me up.
I fall back down and wince.
I pretend to be really hurt.
"Oh dear"
He panicks a bit.
"You ok??"
I mentally smirk.
This is fucking hilarious.
"I'm ok"
I grumble.
"I have to go on a mission with the league, will you be ok?"
I nod and he smiles.
"See you soon!!"
He kisses my cheek and leaves.
He leaves the door open as normal.
I can taste freedom.
I wait and wait until I'm sure he's gone.
It's been like 20 minutes.
I take a deep breath and stand up.
I walk towards the open door.
My legs are fine now.
Still kinda numb though.
I've been here 2 weeks and 3 days.
I look outside of the little room I've been stuck in.
It's clean and different.
I've missed this so much.
I can't wait to be free.
I run around, looking for an exit.
I try to open a couple of doors.
I find a door and open it.
It opens and I feel a breeze.
It's cold.
But it's so nice..
I run out, no hesitation.
I run and run.
Not caring enough to realise where I am.
I'm in some dark place.
It's probably like a villain fest.
I don't care.
I run and run and run.
I run until I'm sure I'm far enough from the league.
I'm free.
It starts to rain a little bit.
It's refreshing.
I can't wait to see Todoroki again..
I'm coming home.

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